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  • Location: Failsworth, Manchester - alt: 93m
  • Weather Preferences: Hot sunshine and thunderstorms. Mild in winter.
  • Location: Failsworth, Manchester - alt: 93m

A brief summary here:


March 2015 - a slightly cooler than average month. A bit of everything, weatherwise...


Days with:


Frost: 11

Rain: 16

Strong winds (>40 mph gusts): 3

Thunder: 0

No sun: 4

Snow falling: 2

Snow accumulating: 1

Fog: 0




Highest maxima: 16°C (7th)

Lowest maxima: 5°C (15th)

Highest minima: 8°C (7th)

Lowest minima: -3°C (25th)


Mean maxima: 9.61°C

Mean minima: 1.58°C

Overall mean: 5.60°C - 0.58°C below the 1981-2010 average


Temperature graph compared with the 1981-2010 average:



  • Like 1
  • Location: Scarborough, North Yorkshire - 68m ASL
  • Location: Scarborough, North Yorkshire - 68m ASL

Weather Stats from Eastfield, Scarborough for March 2015.




Mean temp                                       5.9C   (Average  5.8C)  (+0.1C)


Mean Maximum temp                         9.2C   (Average 8.8C)  (+0.4C)


Mean Minimum temp                         2.8C    (Average 2.9C)  (-0.1C)


High temp                                        15.5C on 7th


Low temp                                        -0.6C on 25th







Total Rainfall –                                16.4mm.  (Average 49.8mm)   (-33.4mm)


Days of rain                                    >0.2mm = 16

                                                     >2.0mm = 4

                                                     >20.0mm = 0


Total wet days                               20


Days with snow falling                     4


Days with snow laying                     1


Wind / Pressure



High wind gust                               51mph (1st)


Average wind speed                        9.1mph


Dominant direction                          WSW



Highest pressure                            1035.49hpa  (14th)


Lowest pressure                             981.85hpa    (31st)



Another Very dry month. Close to average temperature with a stormy start and end to the month. 

  • Like 1
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks

Cantley weather summary for March 2015


Overall an average month with only the Avge Min 0.5C below the 18 year average. One item of note was the partial solar eclipse on the 20th, this was occasionally visible through layers of thin Sc, and caused a halt in the temperature rise and some darkening, neither as noticeable as the 1999 eclipse.


Mean=7.3 (7.5)

Avge Min=3.2 (3.7) Lowest min=-2.1 on 9th and warmest night was 7.4 on the 7th

Avge Max=11.4 (11.3) Highest max was 17.2 on 7th and coldest day was 7.4 on the 2nd.

Rainfall was 25.0 (23.5) with 11 days with 0.2mm or more and 8 with 1.0mm or more, the wettest was the 30th with 5.2mm.


Snow fell on 1 day, none laying at 0900 clock time, 3 (4) air frosts with 12 (9) ground frosts.


1 day with fog at 0900 clock time and no thunder with 1 day (24th) with hail (<0.5mm)

  • Like 1
  • Location: Heswall, Wirral
  • Weather Preferences: Summer: warm, humid, thundery. Winter: mild, stormy, some snow.
  • Location: Heswall, Wirral
Posted (edited)

March 2015 Statistics

March was yet another month without much in the way of extremes. The first of the month was very dry, with only around 2-3 days of recorded rainfall up to mid-month, it was however fairly cool at night and day to begin. As the month went along, the temperature began to recover, though mid-month was cool once again, in general things started to warm up. Rainfall also increased towards the end of the month after most of the month received less days of rainfall than would normally be expected. Air frost and snow was absent during March also.

Below are the statistics for my weather station during the month of March

Mean Maximum: 10.0C
Mean Minimum: 3.4C
Overall Mean: 6.7C

Monthly Rainfall total: 51.2mm
Rainfall days: 11 days
Max rainfall in one day: 9.9mm (30th March)
Total Snowfall: 0cm
Snowfall Days (Snow falling): 0cm
Max snowfall in one day: 0cm

Highest daily maximum temperature: 15.7C (28th March)
Lowest daily maximum temperature: 5.3C (13th March) 
Highest daily minimum temperature: 8.5C (7th March)
Lowest daily minimum temperature: 0.7C (22nd March)

Days with Ground Frost: 7
Days with Air Frost: 0
Days of falling Snow: 0
Days of lying Snow: 0
Thunder days: 0

Temperature frequency breakdown

Maximum temperature:
5.0C to 9.9C: 12 days
10.0C to 14.9C: 18 days
15.0C to 19.9C: 1 day

Minimum temperature:
0.0C to 4.9C: 27 days
5.0C to 9.9C: 4 days

Compared to the Colwyn Bay March average (81-10 average = 7.2C), my average comes in at 0.5C below the Colwyn Bay average, making it a slightly below average month

Edited by SP1986
  • Like 1
  • Location: Hobart, Tasmania
  • Location: Hobart, Tasmania



March - Hobart, Tasmania

Autumn sets in with a chill. The coldest March for mean minimum since 1987 and the second coldest of the last 50 years. The mean maximum equalled the 1981-10 average. Overall, it was the coolest March since 2005. For Tasmania as a whole it was the coolest since 1987.


Average maximum:  20.3 ( -- )

Average minimum:  9.9 ( -1.5 )

Rainfall:  51mm ( average 45mm )

Rain days ( +1mm ):  10/from 19 


High frequency of weakening fronts in a moderate NW-SW airflow. The 19 days of precipitation was almost double the monthly average but daily falls were low, generally in the order of 1-2mm and less. Most days had good breaks of sunshine propping up the daily maxima. Overnight on the 4th, the mountain behind the city was snowcapped to 900m - the earliest time in the year snow has made an appearance below the peak (1240m) since 2006 when there was a fall in February. On the 26th a multi centre low pressure system formed over Tasmania. A heavy fall of rain in just over an hour before 9am ( 11mm ), and a tempestuous looking day with variable winds culminating in a hefty late afternoon storm with localised hail (  21mm ). Cloudy with showers to follow, then a pair of mild and sunny days to end the month.


Extremes in daily temperature for March ( Records since 1882 ):

Highest maximum:  25.7...19th ( Record 37.3 in 2008 )

Lowest maximum:  15.1...15th ( Record 8.9 in 1925 )


Highest minimum:  14.1...19th ( Record 21.1 in 1906 )

Lowest minimum:  6.5...25th ( Record 1.8 in 1926 )

  • Location: Dorset
  • Weather Preferences: warehamwx.co.uk
  • Location: Dorset
Posted (edited)

A few stats for my location..


3 frost days.
0 snow days

Minimum temp stats:

High: 8.9°C

Low: -0.6°C  (March 5th)
Avg: 3.6°C

Maximum temp stats:


High: 13.8°C (March 18th)
Low: 7.3°C
Avg: 11.1°C

My March average came in at 7.5°C which is 0.1°C above my long term average.



Rain: 27mm (Average: 65mm)


Edited by Mapantz
  • Location: Kilmersdon Radstock Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: None Really but a snow lover deep down
  • Location: Kilmersdon Radstock Somerset
Posted (edited)




LOWEST TEMPERATURE -2.4C(27F) on the 5th at 04:29

HIGHEST TEMPERATURE 13.8C(57F) on the 28th at 09:52


HIGHEST HUMIDITY 97% on the 5th at 08:32

LOWEST HUMIDITY 49% on the 10th at 15:44

WETTEST DAY 10.2mm(0.40inc) on the 29th 

HIGHEST RAINFALL RATE 45.0mm/hr(1.80inc/hr) on the 1st at 15:30

TOTAL RAINFALL 41.6mm(1.66inc)

DRY DAYS 17 Days

LONGEST DRY SPELL 6 Days (17th-22nd)

HIGHEST PRESSURE 1040.6mbs on the 5th at 08:57

LOWEST PRESSURE 997.4mbs on the 29th at 11:57



HIGHEST WIND GUST 45mph on the 31st at 02:43





SUNNIEST DAY 9 hrs and 12 minutes on the 7th

TOTAL SUNSHINE HOURS 117 hours and 12 minutes

DAYS WITH NO SUN 6 Days on the 9th,13th,15th,16th,23rd & 29th

BRIGHTEST DAY 196.2w/sqm on the 31st

DULLEST DAY 27.4w/sqm on the 13th


DAYS WITH HAIL 4 Days on the 1st, 2nd, 16th & 24th

HOURS OF AIR FROST 45 Hrs & 42 Mins 

DAYS WITH FOG VISIBLE 1 day on the 18th  (6.6hrs)

DAYS WITH SNOW 1 days on the 2nd (09:30)



March 2015 turned out to be a fairly dry month overall with 17 days when no rainfall was experienced over Kilmersdon with a 6 day dry stretch between the 17th & 22nd largely responsible. temperatures were close to average though my village location led to night frosts which skewed the overall average to some degree to those with higher elevation than myself. Snowfall was a rare commodity with sleet rather than snow seen on more than 1 occasion with just the 2nd seeing any true snowfall albeit brief and non settling here. There was not thunder but there was high winds especially on the 31st when gusts of 45mph occurred during the early hours-quite impressive being as my station is in a sheltered village location. Sunshine amounts were fairly average with some sunshine on all days bar 6. There was little fog and no other noteworthy weather phenomenon outside of the partial eclipse on the 20th which was clearly visible here under thin cloud cover.

Edited by Gibby
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Location: Reading
  • Location: Reading
Posted (edited)

My statistics for central Reading in March 2015:

Average maximum: 11.1
Average minimum: 4.4
Average for month: 7.8

Highest maximum: 15.4 (March 7)
Lowest maximum: 7.3 (15)
Highest minimum: 9.5 (29)
Lowest minimum: -0.4 (5)

Air frosts: 1

Rainfall and sunshine: no local data available, generally a dry month with somewhat above average sunshine.
Days with snow falling: 0
Days with snow lying: 0

The temperature statistics show a near-average month, with the expected ups and downs of early spring.  A dry and fine spell early in the month was followed by a cold interlude mid-month and a more unsettled period towards the end with notably strong winds at times.

Edited by Stargazer

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