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Holy Shizzlesticks

Need sleep but have class. Haven't slept properly in two weeks now. Got an hour and a halfs sleep last night. Slept though meterology. Have a maths tutorial in an hour. Can't keep eyes open. Will fail if I don't make it. Need coffee.



The List!

The list. QUILS: [s]Report 1 Report 2 Report 3 Maths assignment[/s] Stats assignment Chem: [s]Report 1 Report 2 Report 3[/s] Report 4 [s]Mid term 1 Mid term 2[/s] Met [s]Assignment Mid term[/s] Lab book Coursework still to hand in Stats Chem report 4 Met lab book. dear god thank god this semester is nearly over thank you thank you thank you! unfortunetly the exams are in three weeks. Balls.



America Has Done Somthing Right For Once

We believe in Barack Obama He loves you and he loves your mama We believe in Barack Obama Thank god he won. The world feels slightly safer having someone with a iota of intelegence in office.



Oh My God

I can't move my neck, I have brused my ribs from the barrier, I've brused my knees from being crushed against a metal fence, I still have ringing in my ears. Last night was one of the best nights of my life. Rewind lets do it again. I want to spend my life in rooms screaming my heart out to live bands.



O_o Too Early...

OK so its 6:40am I've been up for half an hour, I'm sure thats way too early. Though the thing is I worked my little but off yesterday. I did my QUILS lab report (which has taken me three days to do peopel) my Chem lab report if finished, my Met hand in assessment is finished, all the damn stuff is finished. Then I will go to my lab later today and get given more things. Thats fantastic isn't it! On other news DT said he was escaping DW and I am now heart broken. On other news I have g



I Hate Breaking Hearts

He told me he loved me after we had been going out for two days. The L-word came along far too quickly for my liking. Now I feel so trapped, like I'm caught, like I'm a prisoner. I don't want to break his heart, but I'm going to have to break his heart because its not fair if I drag his heart along like this. He is going to hate me.



At The Dead End Come Unsteadyness

Boomerang my head back to the city I grew up again Again and again and again and again Forever a lake effect kid. I got the skyline in my veins, Forget your nighttimes Summer love on a gurney with a squeaky wheel, And joke us, joke us, Till the world comes back in to focus, I just want to come back to love, Spark in you head keep you warm enough. I’ve got a pocket full of deadliness Opium dean forgotten in my head At the dead end comes un



Oh Dear God This Got A Whole Lot More Complex

Ok. Life. Got. Complex. I can't put this on my normal journal because I know they'll see it. Lowdown - the guy next to me in halls likes me, I like him, he asked me out, I said yes. Except we live together so its awkward, I've never been out with anyone, I'm a geek, people don't like me. People do not like me. I am not popular. I am not pretty. I am not thin, and he is STUNNING. Why does he like me? I can't figure that out? He said "I like you just the way you are, and who you are" christ,



Gotta Love Being An S&e Student.

"Engineering is the art of modelling materials we do not wholly understand, into shapes we cannot precisely analyse, so as to withstand forces we cannot properly assess, in such a way that the public has no reason to suspect the extent of our ignorance." no wonder he dropped that crap. In other news I got a wad of cash for my birthday which is great, will spam with photos later when I have time as I am procastinating finishing my prelab stuff. Only my lab starts in half an hour so I should te




Tired. Very tired. Home. Got home late. telephone boxing traffic between Edinburgh and Glasgow, crappy motorway and WTF does Edinburgh need trams YOU HAVE GOOD BUSSES NOW YOU WANT TRAMS WTF?! Crapping up the roads, took an hour to get out the telephone boxing bus station will all the road works. I missed my own bedroom <333 feels very strange being back here though <3



I Have Learned That

All biology is chemistry, all chemistry is physics and all physics is maths. Uni is overrated. I want to go home.



Right Now.

I'm thinking that it would a capital idea if I went to uni, sat in the library and studied. Though the point that I have to clean my room today for the cleaners comming in, and then do my washing tonight has sucked all motivation out me.



"here By My Side In The Summer, Our Last Summer."

The to do list [b]~ Quantification in the Life Sciences Lab Report - Due Friday[/b] DONE! [b]~ Biochemistry Lab Report - Due Friday[/b] DONE! ~ Biochemistry Tutorial Questions - Friday ~ Type up lecture notes [b]~ Met lab questions - TOMORROW[/b] DONE! WHY THE HELL DID I LEAVE THIS CRAPSO LATE?! Tonight I fear shall be an all nighter. I need caffeine tablets.



Well Isn't That Grand?

My sister cancelled on me I was really looking forward to seeing her. I have ANOTHER cold. The fact that the University of Edinburgh doesn't know what heating is isn't helping. I can't be arsed getting dressed to go out of my room. I think I'm spending all day in bed today just for the sheer fact I don't want to deal with people today.




So. I should be at the moment in a lab from 10 to 2 but it's the first week of teaching and labs haven't started yet. All is good I suppose. Yesterday was good had my first chemistry lecture, dear god they did not waste time, went right in to it. Which was alright because it was an hour or "this is an atom, this is an electron, this is called a proton." I slept though most of it. Meteorology lecture was an hour of "welcome this is called a map."



Big Mozzie

turned 19 today we made cake didn't burn the house down and cake was had for all and it was good cake. [img]http://i35.tinypic.com/33mtmcj.jpg[/img]




In the last 6 days: + The kitchen has been on fire + The fire brigade came out + We stood on the kerb side in PJs + I have Freshers Flu + I've been ordered to bed rest + The soup I had this morning was nice + I think I have a fever + I stuck a pin though my finger last night. It hurt. + Halls arn't that bad really.



Here is uni

At university. Its pretty cool the dorms are cool. Its like abig american style dorm, but I'm sharing bathrooms and showerrooms and kitchen with about 20 other people. So far, first night went ok. Cried a lot, miss my mum, give it a week and I'm sure I'll be fine. This is harder then I thought it wold be to be honest, leaving home is just about the scariest thing I have ever done.



It's almost 2am

I forgot about this... Got exam results - AAC, got in to uni, moving to uni in aproxx 10 hours can't sleep have hang over developing. jeebus my keyboard is multiplying. marcus brigstoke is amazing. i can't be bothered using correct syntax.



Oh mah gods I have a blog

Your all screwed now! So bloogy blooogy blooggy what can I put in here. Place to rant my little mouth off. 1. It went too slowly. 2. Tuesday isn't coming around fast enough I NEED MY EXAM RESULTS 3. I saw a relaly nice pair of curtains that I want fo rmy dorm room at uni - if I get in see the above for details 4. The constant building work beside my house is driving me to clinical insanity 5. The lack of spell check will make this entry look like I am illiterate 6. How I Met Your M



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