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Happy news!

After what has been a difficult year following my Dad passing away, I'm happy to say my little nephew was born yesterday, he is called Marcus and weighed 8lb 11oz, not bad for a week early! . I'm sure my Dad is looking over him and raising a glass of the finest whiskey to him Mum and baby very well, and his big sister Rebecca was very excited to see him, she kept saying "Whats the problem?" every time he let out a little cry. And here he is at 6 hours old. Brother and sister-in-law had a b

Kentish Snowgirl

Kentish Snowgirl

Holiday Time!

Been a long time since last blogged, so whats been going on. Not a lot, July was too hot to do anything and August has been "average" and wet. However I confidently predict 2 weeks and one day of unbroken sunshine and no rain as on leave for 2 weeks. No plans, but just not at work which is always a good thing, plus spending lots of time with my other half No stress, no hassle, no being responsible, bliss. My niece is growing too fast and is a right little madam and monkey at times. She is

Kentish Snowgirl

Kentish Snowgirl

Its A Tunnel!

Well they say it will get easier guess it is, but I still miss my dad and have my teary moments, like just before my birthday knowing he wouldn't be there for it. Was also hard on my niece's birthday as he adored and worshipped her but we all had fun at her birthday tea, with little 'un dashing through her new play tunnel time and time again, plus her repeating "Its' a tunnel, its, a tunnel" over and over. Other favourite word of the day was "WOW!" I got her one of those helium balloons with h

Kentish Snowgirl

Kentish Snowgirl

Sad Update

Haven't posted for a while, but decided to update blog. My first blogs were about how my Dad had been ill and what a brilliant recovery he had made. Sadly he died 4 weeks ago. He had been admitted to hospital as unwell with vomiting and couldn't stand as dizzy, they thought it might be vertigo, did a CT scan the next day due to his head injury in October, but nothing showed up. Two days later they couldn't wake him and called for us, he had suffered a massive stroke and would be unlikely he woul

Kentish Snowgirl

Kentish Snowgirl

Food And Snuffles

Weekend already started for me, braved the City Centre and did almost all my present shopping. Theres' one person who still hasn't got anything Anyway whats been going on - I have a cold, really bunged up and have terrible sinus pain, but still I struggle on! Think I should have shares in kleenex. Unfortunately has made my cough that i have had on and off since May come back with avengence. Theres been so much food on offer this week that didn't dare go sick. Taken out Monday for carvery mea

Kentish Snowgirl

Kentish Snowgirl

I've Aged Today

Well they say you are only as old as the man you feel, and seeing how its the other half's birthday I'm now 28 (if only). Another netball win Monday, third in league, not bad for a bunch of 30+ year olds. Chelsea out of their so called slump (haha), normal service has resumed. Work, well less said better. That was the week that was! Anyhow off out to celebrate Essex Snow's birthday tonight, nice meal (hopefully) then off to the pub. Enjoy your weekends

Kentish Snowgirl

Kentish Snowgirl


Its the weekend and I need a drink or 6! Monday night was netball, played a local school team. Within few minutes tripped over my own feet, landed on my ar.. sorry backside then fell back and smacked my head on the ground. Like a true pro got up and carried on playing. Told my marker that I used to go to her school, she asked when did I leave, 1988 I replied, Oh she said, thats the year I was born!!! How old did I feel!! Anyway despite aching we went on to beat them. Have ached the whole week!

Kentish Snowgirl

Kentish Snowgirl

Another Week Over..

Its been a good week for me - my dad has made unbelievable progress this week, so much so the hospital are hoping he may be discharged during the week. His speech is almost perfect, he has no problems reading and writing. He was moved to a rehabilitation ward on Monday and now has regular physio and exercise - he can walk with a zimmer, which he says gives him more confidence, but is perfectly able to walk with one stick. Oh and he has got his appetite back after not eating properly for 3 weeks,

Kentish Snowgirl

Kentish Snowgirl


Well I thought I would join the world of blogs. Some of you will know I used to be a regular poster on here last year, full of slightly salacious posts and mad ramblings about my now ex weirdo neighbour, Chelsea and other mind numbing stuff but now I only pop up now and again, mainly to do my football predictions. There is no real reason why I don't post, actually there is, life changes for the better, thanks to this forum I met and now live with a wonderful person meaning I don' t get as much

Kentish Snowgirl

Kentish Snowgirl

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