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Everything posted by Jan

  1. Bit of a wild day today. Being an extreme weather freak I decided to drive down to view the River Mersey could barely open the car door with the wind, then I as I got back into the car to avoid a heavy hail shower, the door near took my leg off! I think we got to a high of 7-9c today but the wind made it feel much colder. Still wearing my anorak
  2. I'm back in! I've not been able to read the forum for months, it was overlayed and duplicated, tried alsorts but hey ho. Sick of getting wet I'm more than ready for summer
  3. There's been record temperatures here in Spain this week. Here, near Cordoba, we have been getting around 23/24c the last few days, but over towards Valencia area 29/30c has been recorded. I brought warm jumpers and boots, I've had to find my summer stuff
  4. What part of Mossley Hill are you. I am hoping my 3 Yr old twin grandsons can play in it, they have never snow before
  5. Very heavy sleety rain here, and there is snow on the mountain tops near Vitoria Gastiez
  6. 6.2c here, a dark, wet, and miserable day. Soup weather, making a big pan of homemade pea and ham soup
  7. A couple of very hefty showers earlier this afternoon, heavy rain turned sleety, then driving hail stones, temperature dropped from about 9c to 5c. Had to go to my local retail park to pick up an order, it was crazy, cars and people all over the gaff, I think heavy precipitation makes people drive stupidly
  8. As you say unbelievable, I always say insurance is a rip off, biggest con going
  9. Doesn't appear to be any damage where I am, I was woken about 2am, the house was shaking with the wind. Bright and sunny morning still a bit breezy
  10. Has storm Gerrit peaked now? I can predict cold temps, heavy frosts and probably snow as we get into January. I'm off to Spain so I can bet 100% the North West will have 'good' weather
  11. Our nextdoor neighbours have a tarpaulin tied over their conservatory roof, right outside my bedroom window, it kept waking us in the night flapping around like a flappy thing. Same tonight I think
  12. I saw some clouds like this, this afternoon out towards Liverpool bay/Irish Sea area. It was beautiful
  13. I read, somewhere, that for the UK to get snow in December or Christmas is highly unlikely. Our SST are too high. Our best chance for snow is come late January/Febuary
  14. The wind hasn't dropped I can't hear it going wooooo through the doors and windows
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