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Everything posted by AderynCoch

  1. I find it bizarre that Liverpool Airport is still showing at 2C - we have an inch of snow on the ground here and it's freezing out there. The sky has cleared up now too. No sign of this snow super-merge which is apparently taking place. It better not be raining later on this morning when it gets light. Goodnight!
  2. About an inch lying all around in L17 - and still coming down at a fair rate. Have some of that, rainfall/snowfall charts! HotCuppa, get yourself up the A562 pronto (or better yet, travel east!).
  3. Sorry for the late reply (the server of course!). I was in West Derby, but now I'm near Sefton Park (the Wavertree end ) - it's started to snow quite heavily here now with larger flakes than before, but it's struggling to stick...
  4. Blowing colder air down from the higher parts of North Wales perhaps? Still mostly clear where I am (West Derby right now) with only scattered clouds.
  5. Word up, HotCuppa! The amount of snow we've had compared to the rest of the region has been pitiful. I'm used to marginal events here, but the Irish Sea has really taken the biscuit this time round. Then again, maybe WE should be glad of getting SOME snow just before Christmas? Meh.
  6. Nice to see lowland areas of Lancashire seeing rain turn into something more wintry. Still, is anyone else concerned by the lack of warnings out for our region? Even an actual heavy snow warning is no guarantee that it won't rain round these parts.
  7. Nothing here yet, but if it's raining in Preston it's sure to rain here. Yet another marginal screw-up beckons. :lol: Saw some graupel lying on the pavement in Liverpool city centre on the way over here though. Everything is frozen - but will it last?
  8. Strange how the Pennines turn into the Himalayas during easterly snow events like these. If the Cambrian Mountains did the same thing during prevailing southwesterlies, it would be a desert round here.
  9. Taking its time, isn't it? And there was me thinking the proper cold stuff was set to return after Boxing Day. I'm very sceptical of getting anything now (probably an overreaction, but that's the mood I'm in - when "bitterly cold" weather in January delivers rain, you despair).
  10. Nothing but stinking, horrible rain. An absolute nightmare. I'm fed up of this marginal rubbish - I want proper SNOW.
  11. A sunny and crisp start to the year here. Temperatures tumbling again now. There's a huge black cloud just to the west of me.
  12. 18-24th December = -1.09C First time five or more consecutive sub-zero CET days have occurred since January 2001. Quite a run!
  13. Aargh! The dreaded "m" word is back. Bugger.
  14. They never do. In any case, it's going to be frosty so the gritters should be out regardless.
  15. I could be wrong, but it doesn't look like its going anywhere yet sadly. What a foul mess this is.Typical of systems to get stuck over us when they're falling as RAIN.
  16. What a nightmare scenario round here - RAIN RAIN RAIN. Watching the Villa-Liverpool match last night was painful at times. This sucks.
  17. The front hasn't stalled yet. The heaviest snow is yet to come...
  18. Yep, I've heard it's snowing in Swansea too.
  19. Just when I stopped getting excited about this particular system, red warnings flash up! Is this a late Christmas present or a cruel joke?
  20. -13C was recorded at Liverpool Airport in December 1981, which is a mild location even by local standards. -9C was logged in December 2000 (though the Echo the next day had "-10C" emblazoned across the front page in large font). -15C at the airport would be truly exceptional. I dare say there's a good chance we had such temperatures in some of the severe cold spells of the past, such as February 1895 and January 1881 (when -18C was recorded just up the coast at Blackpool). Particularly interesting is the -10C logged in December 1995, as there was hardly any snow about (just lots of ice and frost). In contrast, the -13C in December 1981 was recorded under optimum conditions (deep snow cover, clear skies, no wind). I wonder how low it could have gotten with some decent snow on the ground.
  21. I think it was the -23.3C recorded at Caldecott on 13th January 1987.
  22. The cold is certainly back now. Barely made it above freezing today, with thick fog well into the afternoon. Fingers crossed for tomorrow onwards...
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