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Everything posted by jukebox

  1. Just a quick one to the more knowledgable if I may please? I would try and post this in the general m/o thread but as I dont live in the south east and may have a differing opinion I dont wanna get shot down in flames My new years resolution was to try and get my head around reading the charts and I,ve been sitting here today and thought I,d try and interpret the 60 hour Bracknell fax chart. Would I be correct in my thinking that over the uk that chart says that there will be an occluded front moving down the country and its within 528 dam air so it has a possibility to bring snow?? Also is the feature running through southern Scotland a trough?? Also is that a triple point low just off the south west coast and am I right in assuming that these features can bring heavy snow fall if you can manage to get underneath one?? And also as the isobars are not to tight that the winds will be quite light? Sorry I dont know how to post links to the 60hr chart as I,m a bit crap with computers lol. Thanks in advance to anyone that can answer my questionsand sorry if they are easy ones to answer but I am learning lol
  2. The house we just moved into has a lamppost right outside lol. When my mum came to visit she asked if the light was annoying as it would annoy her!! Having the lamppost outside was one of the first things I noticed when we looked at the house so when I told her not really as it suited my hobby she just shook her head at me in disbelief lol.
  3. No probs was sitting here watching Nitro Circus and the missus said its was snowing so I thought I,d try and beat you to it lol
  4. lol you,ll be back in there you know you will l Still lightly snowing here must have in excess of 2" now It should be fun tomorrow as I drive for a living. Just hope the Coleshill area has,nt had too much snow tonight, anyone on here from there??????
  5. That would be the mould on the glasses mate there is no way you can claim that the beer in there has any sort of head on it
  6. Nah they aint got power down there let alone the use of computers lol I live up by the High School infact I used to live in the High School as my moms the caretaker there but I,ve just moved a bit further down the road with the missus lol
  7. With no disrespect to you some places have got snow and some hav'nt. Some places will have upto 15cm and some wont. It was always going to be a tight situation and the met have to issue a forecast to warn people of the situations that COULD arise. You cant keep slagging the met off for their weather warnings because if they did,nt issue the forecast and the majority of people who don t use these weather sites wake up in the morning to a good covering of snow and it disrupts their travel or work then they would be calling for someones head a lot more than a few people slagging them off on here And no i,m not pro met office because they are gw biased I,m sure Anyhows there is still plenty of time as I think the warnings go out until tomorrow so you may be pleasantly surprised in the morning good luck mate.
  8. Thanks Nick Yes unfortunately for all my sins in life I do live in Norton Canes. Cant believe how much snow we,ve had this evening must be close to an inch or so now and still bucketing down I,m in two minds whether to have a few beers and hope I get snowed off work tomorrow but I know that as soon as I open a bottle it will stop and I,ll have to go to work with a hangover lol. Thanks for the welcome by the way mate and long may this weather continue
  9. Hi all been a lurker for a long time and decided to finally join in the fun and games and make myself a member today Unfortunately I cant really add much information as NICK2702 lives in the same village as me lol. Just a quick question for Radders if I may ?? You must be really unlucky not to have any snow as Cannock,Lichfield,Stafford and Uttoxeter are all reporting snow. The only thing I can think of is that if you live near the power station then maybe this is somehow causing it to fall as rain by warming the air ?????
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