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Everything posted by Mrsf16

  1. Looks likes Janets Wisbechian snow may be coming this way.... Fingers crossed for this lil blob lol
  2. And they've got too much snow for our liking!! hahahah
  3. Thanks TEITS! Sounds good for us in No Mans Land then..... hopefully we will all get pasted.... 2-3fts worth!!!!!
  4. pack it in you Midlander we will be victorious yet!! hahahhaha x
  5. Slight dusting on cars and pavements... possibley another 0.1mm lol Coming down again for me not massive flakes but looks pretty lol
  6. Hallelujah!!! we have snoooooowwww!!!! And big flakes too!! (Probably stop in 5 mins! lol)
  7. Noooooooooo Nothing here!! Please say its coming my way TEITS! Enjoy it mate x
  8. Mines only here because it caught on the curb!!! Else it would have blown away too, probably to those rotters on Kent Oooh yeah, Huntingdonshire is another one which borders us.. We've got Lincs, Northants, Hunts, Rutland all close to where I am.... lol
  9. hahahahhah Mine is only here because it got caught on the curb!! hahahhahah Else it would been long gone.. prob to those rotters in Kent
  10. Lucky, I have to read 3! This one, Midlands one and Lincolnshire one...... God bless Peterborough!! We are on the border of a few other counties so it makes it difficult sometimes but I tend to stick to this one, I think Suffolk weather affects those in Kent more TBH honest so prob best they are paired with London and SE. Thanks to Paul for the shiny new home
  11. Well right now we have approximately 5mm... in the drifts!!! We are concerned about the population of ants and spiders and the effects this "Worst weather in decades" will be having on our insect life!!!
  12. Me and my 5mm of snow are looking forward to our new home!! lol
  13. oooh who will be the first to post??? Other than you Paul of course!! lol
  14. East Anglia thread for EA and SE thread to include all of Essex?? Or you could have "Bumpy bit on the side and along the coast including London and Kent" and "Everyone else" lol
  15. LOL Slinky!!! God Bless curbs and my whole 5mm!! Wonder if I can make a snowmouse? lol
  16. using raintoday.co.uk , watched a big blob heading to us from Wisbech.. what happens, yep it goes to the East of Peterborough..... I give up I really do!! Best go out and play in my 5mm drifts!!
  17. Sat here watching the "blobs" heading towards us then splitting a few miles away or changing direction .. but remain hopeful...... decided to measure the snow we had... had to find a little drift near to a curb and got almost 5MM whoop-de-do! Hoping for a change in our fortunes with this new band of PPN coming from Wash but not hopeful as again it seems to be spliiting just before it reaches us.
  18. We had a few smatterings this morning, looks like we've just had a really hard, patchy frost and then the sun comes out....... certainly nothing to be memorable thats for sure! Always seem to be our turn tomorrow....anyway mustn't moan!
  19. Thanks Slinky..... just dont think the snow Gods like Peterborough at the minute!! lol!!
  20. Does anybody think this band heading suth from Hull will hit Peterborough or will it go slighty West of us?
  21. Can everyone turn their heting off in Peterborough please.. still clear as a bell and clouds disipating as soon as they hit the area
  22. Nothing again for us then? This is getting ridiculous!
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