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Deep Snow please

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Everything posted by Deep Snow please

  1. Closer to 8-9m once you include the rest of Lancashire that was under yesterday's streamer and parts of Manchester that did see snow, creeps towards London's population. But is it national news, course it's not. It's not a political debate about levelling up I'm after, simply stating the fact that if the media can't report snow events without a regional bias we're screwed....
  2. The problems is when you try and report the weather - a genuine widespread snow event for the Midlands and parts of the North West, you get southerners who haven't had the courtesy to read the weather threads for the affected regions chiming in to have a go at you..... A note for all, if you're going to act as some authority on a weather event, read the local affected threads first to see which areas have been covered by it. @Tim Bland
  3. And? The population of the sub central region of London is 1.5m and you can guarantee if everywhere else but them in London got rain and they got 5cm of snow it would still be news..... The population of the west Midlands is 3m anyway, which is a fairer comparison to greater London. You can deny the bias all you want, but it exists, and it's rather insulting for a southerner to claim it doesn't. Applies to other news not just snow...
  4. Yeah see the above about Birmingham and shut uo about pop density. 5cm here is a rarity, so that doesn't work on that score either. It's about everyone in the national press living in Surrey Heath....
  5. The point is if it was localised to a tiny part of the south east it would be national news. I'll probably remember it in 20 years time. And as shown above, Birmingham is getting pasted. If London got a fraction of that snow it would be national news. North of the Watford gap however and the press don't care. The southern bias in snow reporting exists, and I've every right to call it out.
  6. Except as pointed out above this event delivered to Blackburn, Burnley, Preston and even slight further inland than that through the streamer yesterday. The same amount of snow as we got yesterday would be national news in Kent or Essex. When I'm on my PC rather than phone I'll grab the radar pic from yesterday.
  7. We got 5cm from the streamer that set up just in front of this yesterday afternoon and evening. Generally a snow event encompasses both the streamers and the main low (which went a little bit to the south of us overnight) It's within the same 24 hour period and all part of the same cold air wave. Obviously this not being London, 5cm of snow is not national news for us....
  8. Southerner thread has now decided most of us live in the Midlands, just popping back here for some sanity. On the brightside this and actual snow event for the 2020/21 winter so I can probably wipe my sig.
  9. Nice to know the Midlands now encompasses all the way up to Lancashire. Geography syllabuses must be rewritten!!!!
  10. Goes back to the comments I made yeste day. Your location matters, an event like this always has less chance of being a bust up here, in this new WFH world why not dial in from up here in the snowy North rather than the South? If you not willing to move somewhere naturally colder, why do you have the right to koan when a marginal event stays sleety/rainy?
  11. And here comes the sun to start the thawing job on yesterday's haul. Thankfully enough of it that it'll have it's work cut out. Looks like the NW Forecast thinks we might have another bit of a shot overnight tonight as well!!! Remarkable.
  12. Good 5cm from sitting under a streamer yesterday afternoon. Pretty much nothing from the low itself but that's life.
  13. We're weather watchers and coldies - we can always grumble. (low so close but not close enough overnight is mine) Saw the first snowfall of this winter and a good 5cm or so lying of it as well so nothing to complain about really. Overnight was always going to require a tonne of look. Felt quite cold overnight, and looking at the models it seems we'll hopefully have a few more events to look forward to in January.
  14. January, February, March - Absolutely freezing, snow most of the month, daytime maxes well below freezing. April, May - prolonged unseanable heatwave with day time maxes well above 35C June, July - mild and wet, regularly storms, high winds, flooding, August, September - return to heatwave conditions on par with April and May. October - wet and rainy. Very stormy. November, December - day time maxes below freezing, heavy blizzards continously.
  15. What time is that stuff over IoM likely to get to Lancashire.
  16. Well, it wouldn't be a proper snow event without a whine from Barmada Casten would it.... You still in the lakes? Drive up a hill.
  17. Has anyone ever done a comprehensive study on model accuracy. That would be interesting!
  18. Oh and added to the above fun game time. 2 inches of snow and widespread travel disruption up here in North West, currently no front page story. If the forecast snow in Surrey, London and Essex happens later. 1st or 2nd news item?
  19. There seems to be a bit of banding together going on towards the top between Scotland and NI - even if the main band catches whales that could catch us. Apparently it's rain in parts of Ireland anyway. The sea will freeze over was far more up my street to be honest. Eagerly awaiting my three feet of snow following the SSW nowmThat said a quick glance at my CET predictions and you'll know I like a good ramp. Always nice to see any show though.
  20. Suppose it's only fair seen as we had most of the action this afternoon. Who am I kidding!!! I wanted more snow, til my house is buried.
  21. Gone a bit quiet now here - maybe time for those for south to have some fun. Looks to be something promising developing off the coast of Rhyl.
  22. Ok I'm interested in knowing what the separating criteria are from a meteorological perspective. Those winters where characterised by Easterlies no?
  23. All snow here now and moderately heavy. Winter wonderland outside.
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