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Everything posted by terryall

  1. "Snowing nicely here in South Bexleyheath DA6 " I'm the other side of Shooters Hill to you and absolutely nothing here.
  2. I was in Bluewater, god help me, about half hour ago and snow was getting blowing all over the place and not settling. Back in Lee now and nothing really except little shower now and again. Also took a ride up Wrotham Hill (Kent)where it was snowing but not heavily. Looked pretty over Weald of Kent though. Why have they closed the car park at the top as that is a great viewpoint?
  3. 8 members on the MOD thread and 11 in here! That sort of day I guess..........
  4. Why is it that the NW radar shows activity almost all over our region but the Doppler radar shows nothing?
  5. A few specs if anti gravity snow in Lee SE12! They slowly fall to lamp post level and seem to go up again.........no, now a tiny bit heavier ......and now its stop start. I could go on like this for ages I think but live in hope........
  6. Well, the FAIN brought back some memories. Obviously, as 7 yr olds or so we never knew the origin of the word but we used to say "veinies" but that was a long, long time ago.
  7. It is snowling lightly in London SE 12 and I can almost count the individual flakes falling slowly.
  8. Taking my wife to Suffolk for birthday treat Fri to Mon already paid for accommodation. Might get there ok Fri but not sure about getting back. Great timing........
  9. Could well be robins who are often the last to stop and first to start singing. I hear them singing at all times near me.
  10. I'm supposed to be driving from South East London to Peterborough at 6am but may have to make a judgement on how wise this would be early tomorrow.Have to do return journey around 5pm and not looking forward to it.
  11. Thanks for that. It's not the going up she is worried about! Seriously though there could/will be some bad flooding in certain areas in the next few days if just about any more rain falls and it is forecast to do just that. You have to feel for those affected and also the shop retailers/tourist businesses who have no trade. It's all beyond a joke now.
  12. My wife and I are due to fly out of Gatwick Wednesday at 5.30pm. She is a nervous flyer anyway so how bad do you think it will be? (Of course I am completely oblivious to thunder, lightning, high wind, heavy rain, storms, doom, gloom etc when flying). Not.
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