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Everything posted by chemikal

  1. Last weekend I mentioned experiencing some rare snow when I was living in California in the early 80's. These photos were from Highway 5 just outside Los Angeles. The way the photos have been dated by my dad I assume they are from January 1982. I'm the one in the stripy top. My older brother who is on the left of both photos has had some interesting school friends. Before we left for the US he was best friends with Craig Whyte the ex owner of Rangers at primary school in Motherwell. When we went to elementary he was in the same class as Winona Ryder in Petaluma. Both went onto become familiar with the courts. Last week we had Steve Albini in the studio working with him on an album. One for those who like their music. He has been lucky to have met a few celebs over the years.
  2. January 1987 gave me 3 days off school in the west end of Glasgow. I thank you? I was actually outside at 6am in December 1995 during the -19.8C trying to start the Caledonian Uni van to take the snowboarding club to Glencoe. Battery was dead and we had to go back inside after 5 minutes to warm up. Never experienced cold like that before or since. Jump started the van and got to Glencoe and I remember having lunch at the top of the mountain and thinking how much warmer it was than Glasgow.
  3. March can deliver serious snow even to very low levels in Glasgow. 11th/12th in 2006 being one of the best. Only beaten by January 1987 when I lived in Scotstoun, Glasgow. Can't complain about 2009 or 2010. First photo is of Sasha (rip) watching the snow come down. Next photo is when enroute to Garnethill as my wife's dad (rip) said he was going out for a packet of fags. He was in his late 70's. Former Batman during the war. Look it up. We said no and went into the city centre and went via the newsagents to get him the fags. Since we were there he took advantage of the crutch of us and we went to watch the football. I remember it being a game from Edinburgh at being struck that 1. The game was on. 2. How little snow was there while we were buried. Sorry @101_North
  4. I must have a foot in both camps when it comes to feet and inches and Fahrenheit and Celsius. My brain converts all to the the other. Living in California for 3 years between 7 & 10 years old helps as well. I was snow starved but I do remember traveling between LA and San Francisco at Christmas time and my dad pulling off the 101 freeway as we were at a high point with snow. I felt like I was back in Scotland for that brief moment. I’m sure my dad has photos so see if he still has them. I will probably give away my age but when I was growing up one of my favourite programmes was ‘Rainbow’. Over the Christmas period we managed to make a loaf of bread that looked like Zippy. Just thought you should all know.
  5. There was about 1cm in Clarkston this morning, 2cm on the Cathkin Braes and 1cm in Hamilton. I think I can see myself taking a longer break from my cycle in the summer than I did today. The view over the city is stunning.
  6. My wife quickly established my love of all types of weather as I cycle to work so you need to know. Puts up with my obsession and watching far too much football. I’m sure your girlfriend, family & friends won’t bat an eyelid. My wife now texts me if we are in different places and there is extreme weather on the go. For her 40th she was happy to let me design her a weather related necklace. Amazing cake @Stormeh
  7. My sister made a BBC weather graphic cake for my 40th. I think I may have said that she could have left out the sun part. ?
  8. Relocated the office from Bridgeton to Hamilton this week. Knackered! I’ve now got a 20 mile cycling round trip instead of 10. I have to say it is more scenic and I have multiple routes to choose from. First day was via East Kilbride and today was via the Cathrin Braes near the single wind turbine overlooking the city. Yesterday was my first day in Hamilton and it was one I will remember by being treated with thunder snow. My brother decided it would be good idea to go outside. ️ Looking forward to interesting snowy commutes or days working from home in the coming weeks. ?
  9. Similar here. The fake sun is courtesy of a ball light from Ikea. ?
  10. Still snowing in Clarkston. I cleared the car of snow with the intention of going to the shops but by the time I went once around the car it was covered again. Ended up walking. Even the main roads are covered and a card skidded to a halt as pedestrians crossed the road. Don’t drive and enjoy the snow while it lasts!?
  11. Went for a walk from Clarkston to the World War Two Anti Aircraft Battery on Netherton Braes via Linn Park. Graffiti in the third photo includes ‘nostalgia used to be better’.
  12. It made its way along to Clarkston. Showers started to stick in Bridgeton (1 mile east of the city centre) around 2pm. Left the office at 3pm and it was a dusting with around 2-3 inches at home. Traffic already backing up at Polmadie as people were trying to get onto the M74. Any side roads with an incline were causing problems for the parents on the school run. Saw a guy slide sideways toward a lamppost when he was trying to do a 180 turn outside a primary school Should be an interesting evening for many and hopefully that includes those who haven’t had much so far this winter!?
  13. Despite living in the 'city' I'm still 10 minute walk away from the countryside in Linn Park. Went for a walk before the wind & rain that kicked in in the last 2 hours. My wife was worried about the ducks floating towards the waterfall. They knew what they were doing. Went to the edge then backed off. The trees in the forest are Corsican pines. They are 'resistant to snow and ice damage' so they are well suited to the week ahead!
  14. It is a Yamaha XT660X. Photo is from a winter trip to the Campsie Fells. I’ve got about 25 feet of stairs from the pavement to my front door so I’m never going to get it into the house. On the plus side my favoured lamppost is at eye level when I sit on the couch.? The wind is easing off now.
  15. I’ve already got the push bike in the living room so already pushing it with a patient wife. The bike alarm has just gone off so it is getting windier.
  16. The cat model says it is wet & windy here. Like our last cat he has taken to using his cat flap as a boxing speed ball! The wind seems to be picking up a bit in the last hour but wheelie bins haven't moved yet. My motorbike motion sensor hasn't gone off yet so nothing out of the ordinary here yet...
  17. I’ve always thought they were to blow leaves from your garden into your neighbours.
  18. It looks like Doncaster are one step ahead with the naming of their gritters. 'Spready Mercury' and 'David Plowie' are the current favourites. http://www.nme.com/news/music/spready-mercury-and-david-plowie-lead-competition-to-name-gritters-2160385
  19. Looks like it it is about to kick off in Glasgow. I've seen several flashes to the south and the rumblings are getting more frequent. Cat has decided to go out and investigate...
  20. It was a nice day apart from a few brief showers earlier this evening. Got out on the motorbike to Hamilton, Strathaven & Galston.Great views towards the coast & Arran but didn't stop for photos. The photo is looking north and you can see Ben Lomond to the left & Dumgoyne Hill to the right of centre. It shows the clearer weather weather moving in from the north and the temperature is dropping quickly. Currently 6.5C
  21. Enjoying a rare weekend off and finally took the motorbike cover off for the first time this year. It wasn't as rusty as I had expected. My cat Luka has a fascination with any mode of transport and will happily go in any car & delivery vans. He is microchipped... Today he added a motorbike to his list. Going to head out tomorrow since it is looking dry & sunny. Might head to the west coast but feel free to recommend some good roads/destinations. Thanks!
  22. I was watching 'Grand Tours of the Scottish Islands - Northen Skye: A Land of Giants and Fairies' on Friday night and was struck by how much part of the island Fladda Chuain looks like Scotland from above. It is down to the angle of the airel shot. Enjoyed the programme and you can still watch it on the BBC iPlayer. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b07w4fhk/grand-tours-of-the-scottish-islands-series-4-4-northern-skye-a-land-of-giants-and-fairies
  23. Not exactly weather related but it did produce some interesting 'clouds' from the smoke plume. It looks like they have got it under control now. The photos were taken from Clarkston looking north towards Glasgow. The first is about 5pm and the last at about 6.30.
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