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Everything posted by TheToastPeople

  1. Probably one of the best viewpoints in this part of the country! I suspect position wont matter to much as they are going to start popping up all over in the next few hours
  2. Awesome well send me a PM if your interested! Its in luton and has some stunning views! ive watched several good storms there in the past
  3. Good evening everyone! Looks like im not the only one getting excited, Will be doing some chasing tonight, anyone fancy meeting at Dunstable Downs if there are storms in the area?
  4. I really wouldn't underestimate this setup, im getting rather excited already! Off to work now till 9, then will fuel up and head wherever the clouds take me. Good luck everyone and be safe!
  5. Good evening everyone! What a brilliant day it has been, just a bit surprised to look at my thermometers in the garden and they a reading a balmy 25c at this time of night! It certainly feels like a storm is on the way tonight.....
  6. Has been a fun night here, saw 5 flashes to the west and a few deep rumbles. Hopefully this heat delivers the goods!
  7. Chin up people the night is still young and there is plenty of energy up there! Not calling it a bust until the sun rises tomorrow morning.
  8. Ah now this feels like a summer afternoon in florida! few drops of rain falling from a very hazy sky here, bodes well for the evening hours and overnight as the atmosphere is starting to feel very oppressive. Fingers crossed everyone this setup is going to give a select few a brilliant display at some point in the net 12 hours!
  9. Im about ready to get in the car and head towards dunstable downs if this starts getting electrified
  10. the sky is looking ominous here, the mass by the isle of white will be interesting to watch as it makes landfall
  11. Im going to make a wild guess and say things will get rather interesting between now and 9am. Another cup of coffee anyone?
  12. Looks like i wont be getting much sleep tonight, Good luck everyone!
  13. The blob on the rdar is just reaching here, temp still 4.7c but falling rapidly. First flakes of snow on the drizzle becoming visible!
  14. Almost spat out my tea, there's thunderstorms... in January!!!
  15. I do get the feeling they could grow on and off all night tonight, wind has picked up, its still 20c outside if my weather station is correct! Good luck everyone!
  16. Im praying for standard rain at this point, we cant even manage drizzle let alone a storm! Perhaps if i water the garden it will get things going lol Edit: Well it worked! chucking it down now lmao
  17. Im looking forward to seeing some rain at this point, all the grass has started to fade. Wish these storms would hurry up, i have work in an hour!!! Good luck fellow storm fans!
  18. Heh thats amusing, wasn't expecting anything overnight for the uk. just ran the radar from when i went to bed and god damn where did that lot come from!!
  19. Im gonna stick around till sunrise i think, the setup is to dynamic to quit just yet! plus its way to hot to sleep right now!
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