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Everything posted by bobbydog

  1. just drove back from cuckfield to horsham in fairly heavy snow only to find our 2cm has gone stopping now, so i think thats it for me. molly still won't get to build her snowman. one thing though, roads are very wet and some places could drop to as low as -9c tonight! ice could be a serious issue...
  2. looks marginally better than here in horsham. we have a covering but i think the snow ploughs have been called off!
  3. well we've had about 1-2 cm. decent covering but nothing special. going to struggle to build a snowman. hopefully get a bit more if the winds veer round today. popped into a few of the regionals and it looks like nobody has had anything particularly "epic", even my native north-east. seems like a few have done well in the 'sweet-spots' but hardly amber warning levels! never mind though, the rest of the week might bring us some more and at least the kids have been out to play in it already and molly has made and thrown her first ever snowball!
  4. nothing. had moderate flurries off and on all day but big gaps in between, so no accumulations.
  5. whats it like over your way? i've got to pop over to cuckfield in the morning, nothing here yet.
  6. check out the radar, in fact no- your lamp-post will tell you in a few minutes!
  7. for anyone worrying and looking at the radar thinking this is not going to happen, as @Steve Murr has pointed out, the convergence doesnt happen til around 9, the main event is due to start around midnight and the amber warning is from 2am until 12 tomorrow.
  8. whats all the doom and gloom for? an hour ago- now- INCOMING!!! (and that wind is really getting up now)
  9. latest Met office forecast is now leaning towards more snow and the cold hanging on beyond friday. yesterdays forecast used terms like "occasional" "some accumulations" today its "heavy and persistent" "significant accumulations" thurs/fri is "disruptive" "blizzard conditions"
  10. approximately 2 apparently. people are so overwhelmed by the confusion, they've forgotten where they live....
  11. bloody hell, i was last on here 2 hours ago and we're still on about the thread title! the snow will get confused and end up falling in the wrong area!
  12. not me mate, down here under the horsham snowshield but its about to bury norfolk! panic! aaagh! edit- sound the all-clear, its gone...
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