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Everything posted by gingercat

  1. Sorry guys but until I see the snow on the ground, I won't believe it's actually gonna happen. We've been promised snow too many times since the start of winter and seen nothing materialise! Pessimistic as I am, I think it's going to be a snowless winter.
  2. Really mild here today 11c. There's just something not right about that in early January! I'm not complaining though as its pleasant not to feel the biting cold, but we really need a sharp, bitter cold spell to kill off all the nasty bugs and viruses that are thriving in this heat!
  3. Much milder today 6c outside and sunny
  4. weather forecast says warmer air is coming, as a result any precipitation will be rain, not snow
  5. Temp is currently 0C here...sky is overcast.....
  6. Again, -1 this morning at 8 am. Looking very icy, be careful on the roads everyone! Snow cannot be too far away now. We had heavy sleet for a time yesterday, and the trend just seems to be getting colder.
  7. Been a beautiful, if chilly day here today! Currently 2c and clear.
  8. Some quare fog out there now!!! 1.5c here
  9. Oh and our max temperature yesterday was 4c. So far 1.5c. Not classed as "mild" in my book!
  10. No matter how much "model watching" is done, i think it pretty impossible to accurately predict the weather more than 48 hours in advance. I think trying to do so is a futile exercise only leading to the disappointment and frustration seen in the model thread. Bitterly Cold temperatures are not the be-all and end all of winter! What about the bright winter sunshine, frosts and fogs we have had lately which have been very seasonal, not to mention the fact that is has indeed been chilly! Snow would be lovely, but it will come in its own sweet time. To be honest I was not looking forward to a period of -10s or whatever they were getting so excited about in the model thread.. The thought of my oil bill and the practicalities of everyday life make that very unappealing! So far this bright chilly weather is a welcome and refreshing change from the dull, mild gloom that we endured all last winter and I am content to have that. A drop of snow would be an extra bonus, and I still think that is on the cards as I think this chilly spell will continue and it's only a matter of time now!
  11. 4c and foggy in north Belfast. Looks like it is slowly lifting though.
  12. Now this is the kind of winter I like :) even a little drop of snow too is ok by me
  13. Thank you Downburst and Watcher for your reassurance. I suppose it is still a way off and nothing is concrete until it actually happens, if it does happen. I notice they put a video on the bbc weather page suggesting that we might get the Siberian winds again. I think that concerned me most as normally the bbc are not known for their "ramping"!
  14. If this is going to be a repeat of 2010 then I'm very scared. I do like snow and cold weather as I think it's the way it should be this time of year but I'm not a fan of extremes. Things get worrying when you are housebound and have elderly and sick relations to worry about. Don't want to rain on anyone's parade btw
  15. I'm just north of Belfast. Really cold here 2c at the moment.
  16. Arghhhh! Apocalyptic hail storms! Eek!
  17. Yucky day out there, mild enough though! I hope this doesn't continue through November and December. Winter needs to be cold!!
  18. This morning was quite chilly with a temp of 3.5c here at 8 am, plus some sleety type showers this morning. Definitely cooler than it has been recently. Love the new avatar Watcher!
  19. Ugh...horrible night out there. 3c and sleet. Yuk.
  20. A very chilly night last night, my outdoor thermometer registered only 2c when I was going to bed last night and 0.5c when I got up this morning. Everything was covered in frost. Winter is here! PS love your new sig Watcher!
  21. when I got up this morning at 8.30 the temperature was -1c and clear. No snow but a harsh frost.
  22. its 5c outside at the moment. That seems to be the extent of our cold spell!
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