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Weather of Mass Disruption

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Everything posted by Weather of Mass Disruption

  1. IMO this chap has lost all credability and is just clutching at straws. It wasn't that long ago that he was warning the elderly to start preparing for a long hard winter! As much as I would like us to go back into a 'little ice-age' i just don't see it happening. I was lucky enough to see snow in Keswick on Friday 16th but am feeling very doubtful that i'll see any in my home county :-(
  2. Not sure what is more depressing, looking at the current Winter (or lack of it!) or watching (now) how good December 2010 was on More 4 'The Year Britain Froze'
  3. It looks like Nottinghamshire will be snowless in 2011 :-( To be honest, after enduring so many mild and snowless winters in the last 20 years the last couple have been a revelation for me! I am really hoping that Jan and Feb cab deliver some of the white stuff...
  4. Nottingham never fares well in these current type of cold set-ups. Throwing it down with rain at the moment, if only we had more elevation we might have been in with a chance of seeing some of the white stuff! Definitely need to move further north!!! :smilz38:
  5. I am intrigued to know what impact this could have on this winter if it was to erupt anytime soon http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-15995845 Presumably, it would be dependent on the severity of the eruption, wind direction etc. Like the Euro, you get the feeling it is going to go, it is just a question of when!
  6. It would be nice to see this forecast come off and full respect to the fella for analyzing his own forecast and putting himself out there
  7. Here's the BBC take on the recent mild weather http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/feeds/15865908
  8. Looks like old Mr Madden is getting some more coverage http://news.uk.msn.com/uk/prepare-for-record-snow-and-cold Really makes me laugh how hyped up these reports are, as much as I would like to see a 'classic' winter, I never believe articles that are written in such a manner! Come March he could be looking for a new career or stating that he was a year out and that he really meant it for 2012/13
  9. By the lack of updated forecasts I can only assume we are in for a bonanza next week!
  10. An interesting read GSL and to see Madden sticking by his forecast, though I expected him too really. Be very interesting to see what transpires this winter. I personally cannot wait :-)
  11. This year couldn't be more in contrast with last year RRR! Hoping we start to see some exciting charts like this in the not too distant future! I recall last year, taking pictures of the deer rut (October)) with frost on the ground, this year we've only had one frost and our Fuchsias are still in full flower!
  12. UK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcv1mrL2qmo&feature=related Would love to see more winters like these...
  13. Very much so and I have often viewed many of North America's snow storms on youtube. I remember reading (and viewing) about a town, who's name escapes me, getting some 100 inches, i think it was in 2009 and was due to the lake effect - trully mind blowing quantities. The only downside though to seeing so much snow and cold is that it does get very depressing when you live in an area that doesn't usually fare so well - Nottingham (excluding last 3 winters as we have actually had some great winter weather). On phone at the mo so will post some links / images tomorrow. Great idea for a thread though. Just love winter and cold snowy weather, can you tell! :-)
  14. We have a number of grey squirrels visiting our garden and they have been feeding at their usual greedy rate! I can't say I have noticed any difference in their feeding pattern from any other year, including last year, which as we all know resulted in a classic and memorable December I am getting really bored of this weather though and am longing for some cold, sharp, crisp and frosty mornings!
  15. Came across this link earlier and this chap seems pretty confident about another very cold winter but perhaps not hitting us so early. Food for thought at least...
  16. http://www.weatheronline.co.uk/cgi-app/reports?LANG=en&MENU=seasonaloutlook&DAY=20111008 Pretty vague on details but they have an interesting outlook for December and appear, at this stage, to be favoring a cold and lengthy Winter! We can hope! No doubt it will change as we draw nearer the time frame Some great images of an infamous Winter http://www.topfoto.co.uk/gallery/1947Winter/default.htm
  17. The first one, definitely for me. Although very unlikely, I would love 3 consecutive months like December 2010
  18. I know that feeling only too well, hence the name! The last 2 to 3 winters have been the best we have had since the mid 1980's and long may it continue. For the past 2 decades we have had very short lived affairs, perhaps the occasional dumping which would last a day or 2 at best. It would frustrate the life out of me seeing so many other counties enjoying so much snow and cold weather, and relatively speaking, these were not always that far away. I have read that it has something to do with the Trent Valley. I always think we fare better when the cold comes from the East.
  19. I see James Madden has updated his blog which I am sure will be of interest to many of you (or not as the case may be!!! ) . Only time will tell as to whether his predictions will come off! I for one am really looking forward to seeing the winter forecasts come from many of the well respected members of this forum. Off to the Lakes next week so if anyone you could give me a heads up on it being -20 with white out conditions that would be appreciated!
  20. Usually, when the Express runs such hyped up headlines we get the exact opposite! This worries me greatly as I have loved the past 3 winters and would be well chuffed if we got a fourth :-)
  21. Cannot believe how quiet it has been on here recently, presumably everyone is working hard on their winter forecasts! :-) Tbh I tend to lurk on here as i am a complete novice when it comes to the weather but i love this forum and all the anticipation and excitement as we head into the winter months. Cannot wait to see what lays ahead for us and I am definitely hoping for a cold and snowy one
  22. I personally think a bit of an Indian Summer is good thing if you are wanting a cold winter. I am fairly sure that the past two or three (if not more) Septembers have all had a noticeable warm period and we all know how the Winters that followed these were. I am too young to have experienced the great Winters of 47 and 62/63 but despite all the chaos it would cause, I would love too. Last year was probably the best Winter I have lived though and to have snow on the ground in Nottingham for a month is very rare indeed. Hoping for a cold and snowy one and believe we will get one
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