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Tim B

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Everything posted by Tim B

  1. Nice! Found another much like this here, may even share some of the same footage:
  2. Another problem with all this DRM stuff is that it has killed off mod development by users as more and more companies come to care about nothing more than a quick buck, so rather than releasing a game with tools to increase its longevity by allowing players to make new content they simply give you a bunch of encrypted files then occasionally release mod packs which they charge people for. But again this raises another problem becase when I have purchased them in the past you then fire up the game and there are too few people with the mod to get any games going.
  3. Yeah that is a good idea, a quick google search brings up some good fog timelapse videos as well, never thought to look before:
  4. Looked like that here 2 days ago, interesting sight to behold. There same could not be said of yesterday though as the fog had thickened and persisted through the day which reduced visibility by quite a lot.
  5. Never mind what coke does to your stomach, what about indian food? Sure messed up my passenger seat a lot more than any coke spillage.
  6. It ran with the door open? Not good though you think they would notice something like that. As far as cooking from scratch goes microwaves were never designed for that anyway so anyone who tries it is going to be disappointed big time as microwaves are only designed for warming. You should never use one to boil liquids either because it can explode as this video demonstrates:
  7. Microwaves work by vibritaing the food to heat it up so anything bad that was in the food to begin with will not be removed or killed the same way as if it was done over a flame, so the microwave itself is not bad for you. It will destroy your food however much less obviously than flame if left in too long.
  8. Less than that actually, 10.000 years ago you could have walked between France and England. Incredible to think the sea eroded the narrow land point between us and Europe that quickly isn't it? Indeed. There are many pictures and video clips out there of creatures their authors claimed to be wild panthers but they are vague and inconclusive much like photos said to be of ufos or the loch ness monster, it's easy to be skeptical. That said however the same was true of European mountain tigers for the longest time until recently when a full scale investigation and expedition was launched, eventually capturing amazing footage of these illusive creatures in the mists of the Bhutan mountains. Edit: Here is a video by charity BigCatRescue on the BP Phenomena: (Doesn't do much for the UK theories though)
  9. Aye I know what you mean with potatoes, I'm forever getting small cuts peeling them as I often do that with a knife too (forever misplacing my spud peelers) but its usually nothing.. Except for the time when I tried to cut a huge one in half and it slipped taking the knife out of my hand causing me to instinctively try to grab hold of it before it liberated a toe, but I grabbed the blade instead of the handle since it was falling causing a big cut along my mouse hand though it was superficial thankfully. I really should get some kevlar gloves, would have stopped that and countless small cooking cuts from happening. My dad is a surgeon in A&E as it happens and he tells me the most common injury he gets in from kitchen knives are from people throwing them in the washing up then swanning off to watch the x-factor before returning and diving through the suds with a death grip hoping to scrub it all through before the commercials end. Another potential kitchen injury source to watch out for Though my most common is the old chilli fingers in the eye since I love making spicy food, you'd think I'd have learned not to rub my eyes when cooking by now but nope.
  10. Tim B

    Tough Kitty

    Want to see the cutest thing in the world that is either very resilient or very lucky? (Or possibly a cobination of both.) Then look no further. [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14319687"]http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14319687[/url] A good example of why you should always check both the laundry and your washing / drying machines before you use them if you have kittens, this exact thing happened to an old colleague of mine through carelessness with the laundry and unfortunately her kitten wasn't as lucky as Princess. That was one lesson learned the very hard way.
  11. Is there a new cold like virus going around or has what I have been experiencing over the last 30 hours or so just an oddball? Is no ordinary cold though at least in the first 24 hours of my case, cant remember feeling so bad from a cold virus since I was a kid, felt more like a flu virus. Thank god for paracetamol ay?
  12. Yeah I heard that too, been meaning to test it since we get nothing but greedy greys around here. I think it was on the one show. As for stopping invasive gray squirrels from treating your bird food as a free al fresco meal then your best bet is a mechanical feeder with a set of scales built in to it which cuts off the food supply when a squirrel stands on it, which wont happen with the birds feeding off it.
  13. Necro post I know but seeing this thread reminded me of a story I read a couple of months back. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3829894/Big-cat-mauled-my-dog.html Damage to livestock from wild panthers is common but I've never head of one attacking a large wolf like that before, so if I panther didn't do that to the poor dog then what the hell did?
  14. Any sighting in the skies over this country at least by pilots (regardless of faction affiliation because it is our airspace) must be reported to our civilian air traffic controllers by law, so if there was a confirmed sighting of an extraterrestrial aircraft over the UK then I imagine we would find out about it fairly quickly due to this.
  15. Yeah I remember that well, though there was also a big asteroid that went between us and the moon that year same as now. Yeah that's what I meant in terms of the Earths' astrological life or terms of human existence overall, every 10 / 15 years is nothing in that regard when you think about it. We will be hit by an asteroid like this again sooner or later as it is inevitable, lets just hope it hits a sparsely populated area or a desert.
  16. My most hated weather is the same as yours Chion, especially when I have stuff to do. Go out without a coat and get soaked in rain, go with one and get soaked in sweat. It's a win win situation..
  17. I've seen loads of things in the skies that I couldn't identify but I've never seen any alien craft up close though! Most I could explain later after careful thought though as all kinds of things can distort the appearance of normal aircraft or project ground based objects in to the sky. Most UFO sightings are very terrestrial in origin though I believe a small minority are indeed alien, perhaps one in every million or so.
  18. Happens all the time does this actually, a massive asteroid passed between us and the moon in 1997 (I think).
  19. Went to the window just now to check on this cloud burst when a huge forked bolt shot over the cloud base right as I twitched the blind, made me jump. Loud too.
  20. Looks like that squall that was over me an hour or so ago has reached you.
  21. Been rumbling away here for the last half an hour, here's why:
  22. The precip and sferics in my area do not line up, what the hells going on here..
  23. Manchester airport now reporting electrical activity in that cell.
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