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Everything posted by Adzyy

  1. Dying out as it hits Birmingham. Disappointed. 3 years since we've had some decent snowfall here. Sucks
  2. Judging by the radar that pptn by Birmingham is definitely heading East. Hopefully we will manage something.
  3. Doesn't like like anything will touch here. Shame really.
  4. We just had the lightest of light snizzle shower. Lasted literally 20 seconds. nice to actually see falling snow in daylight though
  5. Well I've never seen the MetO change forecasts so much in my life. we were down for snow Thursday pm - Friday am, which has now disappeared. and suddenly we are down for a bucket load of rain tonight. Hoping it might Spring a surprise but not holding much hope. I miss the White stuff.
  6. Literally the biggest storm I've seen. Gotta be up at 6.30 - may as well pull an all nighter now
  7. .Not sure it's gonna hit us or not. I'd like some sleep so I hope not. Keep hearing the distant rumble though
  8. That was a loud one to my South east!
  9. Bit of a flash there, no thunder though,
  10. That one near London is heading West. Either one of those storms are bound to hit us. 6.30am wake up call doesn't fill me with joy now.
  11. Looks absolutely insane down there.
  12. The stuff over Bournemouth is heading straight here. I'm cacking myself for it. you guys. An take it. Take it away!!
  13. Absolutely sweltering here. 31.6C
  14. My Hayfever is awful today. Very hot here, themometer reading 25.7C
  15. Stopped now. That rain from the SW is worrying.
  16. What was a snow fest yesterday on the MO is now sleet. Shows how nothing is certain even 42 hours before. It's just gonna be a case of seeing what happens now.
  17. Met Office have me down for a snow fest on Wednesday :S
  18. It's gonna fizz out before reaching us. Oh well. Always the case.
  19. The band is narrowing but it's coming our way. Be nice to see a few flakes.
  20. Snow has started again here however what we had earlier had thawed on the roads. Recovering now. Although the band has fizzled out a bit so won't last. Lovely to see, shame it'll be gone tomorrow.
  21. Around a cm laying. Cloud has broken up for now maybe a little more to come later? However this has already surpassed last winter by a mile. I hope we get some more. Maybe that snow dance I did earlier helped
  22. Oh my god whiteout. Haven't even looked out the window at all tonight. Wow!
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