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Everything posted by Adzyy

  1. Nothing here still. Radar shows it right next to us though. Don't know what to expect so I'm not getting my hopes up.
  2. Literally haven't had anything all day apart from the odd sleety rain. We always miss everything! Not staying optimistic now.
  3. Think we are going to be a bit far east here. We missed out Boxing Day. Probably miss out today too. Only a few sleety symbols showing for us on MO.
  4. Looking like everything is gonna be a tad too west here. Unless that stuff by Eastbourne comes over. Not holding out hope though....
  5. Anyone got an idea of when Rugby is likely to get hit?
  6. Someone give me a heads up on our chances? I'm rather sleepy tonight.
  7. I'm shocked it's still going here. Very bright flashes. It's over Crick way I think.
  8. Frequent flashes and thunder here. It's coming straight for us by the look of the radar. Haven't slept yet as it's so humid, not looking forward to this.
  9. MetO have us down for 31C tomorrow with it still 27 at 6pm! Jesus!!
  10. Pretty intense thunder here. Making my heart jump. Think it's just passing over now though.
  11. This is frightening the life out of me, feels like the house is going to fall apart. Worst winds I've ever heard
  12. Stopped now, didn't last long. Hopefully more to come.
  13. Heavy rain just turned to hail, which then has turned to snow. Quite spectacular to see.
  14. Throwing it down with rain here. Really quite heavy. Maybe it's soon to change to snow? Who knows?
  15. Nothing here, just heavy rain. Will keep an eye out.
  16. Snowing moderately now, tiniest flakes but quite a lot of them. Can see it turning to rain soon though.
  17. Nothing here EDIT: Just as I post that, very light snow falling.
  18. Rain here but there's definitely a few flakes in there. Makes it the first flakes I've seen this winter. Awful winter, I'm not optimistic for Feb either. Roll on summer.
  19. Apparently there was a little here in the night. Irrelevant to me as I was sleeping and there's just a wet ground now. Argh!
  20. It's dropped to 6.7C in the past hour so let's hope it can drop off a bit more and some showers can blow this way. Not hopeful for where I am but we shall see.
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