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Everything posted by Buckster76

  1. getting towards 2cm in Chelmsford - still coming down quite hard - small pellets blowing in the wind
  2. medium intensity snow here in Central Essex - blowing around a lot in the wind too
  3. level 5 in Chelmsford - well Galleywood - have slight advantage of +65m height
  4. still nada other than a flake whisping in the wind - here in Central Essex
  5. anyone else got a ladder ready when we can't use our front/backdoors ?
  6. What happens when we get all the storm reports 10pm onwards tonight
  7. me too - I left when I could at 4 - but only caught a few rumbles very annoying I think thats it looking at radar
  8. lower clouds here in Chelmsford heading almost due South - at quite a pace too - impressive stuff considering the Cbs themselvesmoving east
  9. we have some minor cumulus here too whats amazing is the fact they're high enough to be catching the light and they look white against an almost night background - not seen that before
  10. that storm off Sunderland- if not Anaprop looks rather special
  11. on a positive note the North Sea storms are really getting going now !
  12. nothing on TV bored with playing with Crysis 2 DX11 patch and kids are in bed asleep
  13. lewis - whats the initiation going to be though ? nothing left to initiate
  14. most if not all of the AC CAS now gone in Essex temps dropping - humidity still high though has lost that threatening feeling though just a pleasant summers evening
  15. Iwouldn't worry Paul its game over down south as well in all likelyhood so we're all in it together just wish I hadn't promised my 6 year old some good storms
  16. chin up folks theres always next time - I'm sure we'll get 2000k CAPE again sometime
  17. is there a "lovely summer's evening" thread anywhere ? I feel out of place in this one with current conditions
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