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Everything posted by Meggy

  1. Two wheelie bins out of three gone over like skittles in the last gust!
  2. I wonder if the bridge will be shut soon. I might need to go out sooner rather than later if so, or I won't be getting anywhere fast! it causes absolute chaos around here!
  3. Yes! I joined the long line of traffic in Daiglen Drive at 10.45 and took an hour to get out of Ockendon this morning. Ironically, my daughter left for work in Tilbury at 7.30 and arrived at work twenty minutes later! the traffic going towards London on the A13 was a nightmare though, she said. I find Ockendon to be one of the worst affected places when the bridge is shut!
  4. Just noticed this one. You must be hearing what I'm hearing!
  5. It is thundering in South Ockendon Essex! Anyone else confirm this?
  6. Any one in the South Ockendon Essex area hearing rumbles from those dark towers going up to the south west (I think?) Or am I just imagining it? No - it is real!!! getting a bit excited, and have my thunder goose bumps. They are more reliable than any weather forecast, I find. Oh yes, more rumbles!
  7. Yes it's all going north of here too, unfortunately. That seems to happen so often, sadly.
  8. It's suddenly got extremely gusty out there, but unfortunately I have no way of measuring it other than by wheelie bin flight across the garden!
  9. I still have frost in my back garden where the sun hasn't reached yet!
  10. Yes I can confirm that! just drove back from Lakeside in it!
  11. Sky to the north east of here beginning to look very ominous.....
  12. Yes, quite frequent rumbles here in South Ockendon. Got my storm goosebumps now.
  13. Afternoon everyone. Lots of rumbles, sounding gradually nearer. No rain or lightning to report as yet.
  14. Hi everyone! My daughter is going to We R Festival in Upminster on Saturday and is unsure whether to wear wellies or not! Can anyone help with what the weather may be like? She has heard it will be nice or could be pouring? Thanks
  15. Hi everyone! I've just returned from New York where I experienced a temperature of -14 degrees at 1pm. it's the sort of cold that hurts your head and makes your lips numb, and made me realise I needed warmer gloves and leggings on under my jeans! However, despite the low temperatures there was no frost or ice on cars, although the lakes in Central Park were frozen very solid indeed. On the Monday, it was warmer and then snowed all day. By Tuesday it was about 13 degrees and heavy rain, although it turned much cooler again for the rest of the week, which was sunny. I feel I experienced four seasons of weather in 5 days, but I had a great time.
  16. Some very strong gusts here in Thurrock atm. I have no way of measuring wind speed other than by wheelie bin flight across the garden!
  17. Yes and I live just down the road from Upminster in Ockendon and can vouch for the horrendous jams caused by the bridge being shut!
  18. Certainly Louise Lear called it Imogen on the BBC forecast I caught this morning.
  19. Goody! I'm flying to New York on the 14th for a week. I can wear the jumpers I bought and haven't worn here yet!
  20. Hi everyone! Took quite a while to get out of Lakeside Retail Park just now. Always interesting when high winds affect the Crossing.
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