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Everything posted by November13

  1. Glasgow feels like the eye of a storm on a fishing boat!
  2. Hauzen - If the weather behaves we might be in for some snow after 9pm tonight, in the higher areas of the central belt. It is forecast and METO has a yellow warning.
  3. Snow level dropping. Snowing on Rest And Be Thankful 803ft. If it keeps lowering we have a chance of wet snow above 400ft later today.
  4. Good charts! I have officially had 3 more days of snow than last Jan. Yes I have had 3 days of lying snow this year and hee haw last year. Plus I had 2 days lying snow in December despite it being awful. So 5 snow days so far. Not epic snow but still nice to know we can still get snow in the central lowlands from the Atlantic.
  5. Heavy sleet here still cold at 3.2c.
  6. Seems to be a battle going on with that front.Its stalled for her an hour. Must be the battleground in the middle.
  7. I think the radar is about an hour ahead with the band. The heavy stuff seems to be in places furher west than it indicates. I noticed last night it was about an hour out.
  8. Still snow in parts of Eire above 400ft according to forums. Let's hope we at least get some snow before the rain comes briefly. Official measurement not that much 4cm.
  9. Expecting a few hours of snow at 400ft later before it rains.Just hope I can still have some snow left as more coming after midnight maybe.
  10. Heavy snow off for a run trail shoes in woods.So glad I am off.
  11. Yep nothing since last night.Hope that band moves in soon.
  12. Bairn the later batch out on the Clyde coast should hit us.Its elongated so will still hit even tracking north east.
  13. Yep I was despairing after Last week. I hope the snow survives the mild blip.Can't complain Jan has been nae bad so far.
  14. You are in my exact line but to the west. I think this next one could be a beauty!
  15. Off and on here think heavy stuff incoming though. 2 inches so far! Anyway its not all doom and gloom tomorrow pm. We have to get 2 hours of very heavy snow. Then the mild blip with rain only lasting a few hours. Depending on speed and trajectory of the low it might not be a total melt.
  16. Bishopton traffic can is white out!
  17. Snow showing 5 miles east of Glasgow!
  18. Yep think its the late late show.Snow just hitting Glasgow should be in central by 9pm then east about 10pm!
  19. We had a heavy shower. However what concerns me is the supposed organised snow is not making headway eastwards.There are showers and it might end up being showers rather than continual snowfall. At least it's lying here mind you.
  20. The organised band couldnt organise a jaffa cakes up in a brewery! Its not coming! So far Meto are miles out! Unless something changes it will be like last night again.
  21. The rain/Snow seems to hit the western hills and mountains and then drop off the radar. Everytime you think it is coming it fizzles out!
  22. I am off tomorrow. Couldn't have planned it better!
  23. Full Ramp tonight why not!
  24. Rainfall Radars are capoot at the moment!
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