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Everything posted by tomp456

  1. Today I am like a child on Christmas morning. West Sussex looks like its slap bang in the middle of the firing line according to the computer models, and there is good agreement between them all for once, rather than all saying different. Was 21c when I left this morning, but walked into work along Worthing seafront and it felt cooler with a nice breeze. BRING ON THE STORM!
  2. Should there be any storms In the channel late tomorrow evening I will be at the end of worthing pier. I hope some of you can join me
  3. Evening all. Should there be any storms in the channel late tomorrow afternoon and through tomorrow evening I will be at the end of worthing pier (assuming its safe, and worthing isn't going to get a direct hit) So if anyone wants to join me they can.
  4. The humidity has dropped slightly, was 58% now only 51%
  5. My weather station says is 27.1c outside... Not quite sure if that's completely accurate
  6. I can predict the models will weaken the storm potential for the UK next week, and most of it will be reserved for the usual places, aka France, Belgium. etc
  7. More Panoramas of the Littlehampton/Bognor storm last night, as seen from Worthing Pier.
  8. A panoramic picture of the littlehampton/bognor storm, as seen from worthing.
  9. I suppose this is the next best thing if the storm isn't a direct hit
  10. I went on a date tonight with mother nature. It was a successful one. We'll be going on more!
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