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Everything posted by tomp456

  1. The state of the latest local bbc forecast...all wrong already. Had the clump of rain from this morning as showers. Ha ha. On a more positive note is is brightening up a tad...still overcast though!
  2. Want the sun out but it’s still raining But I can see some gaps in the channel on satellite so hopefully in the next couple of hours my wish will be granted.
  3. BOOOOM!!!!! That’s not the sound of thunder, that’s the sound of storm chances vanishing for the West Sussex coast
  4. Got a feeling somewhere today is going to see a mothership supercell, an f5 tornado, green skies & flying cows.
  5. Is she? Well she did mention that there's going to be a tonne of lightning.
  6. I'll be using much more colorful language if the storms do skip merrily round me.
  7. If the Beeb forecast is to be believed then the storms will be missing me in Worthing, which means after a brief hiatus, my storm shield will be back on.
  8. What a great four days it's been. Got a lightning show on Saturday night, saw that Aylesbury cell from the coast on Sunday, got a decent storm yesterday, and a few more claps of thunder today. Happy days! Just need an MCS from France to give us a beating like last year or in 2014, and the summer would be complete!
  9. Bar the thunder a few hours ago, its a standard summers day here. Not cold nor hot, a little breezy, and damp/cloudy
  10. It's stopped now. Only heard a handful of rumbles . No rain either.
  11. Breaking News: It's thundering. Lightning striking a few meters into the channel .
  12. At least the storms made it a bit of the way through the channel, rather than dying the instant it knew the next destination was the uk.
  13. Lightning in the channel maybe a couple of inches off the French coast.....
  14. What way are the storms in France going? Looking at the lightning it seems like North East? If it were to go north west I'd be in with a shout of something first thing tomorrow.
  15. This must be the London storm then! taken about 20 minutes ago looking northwest
  16. grrr having trouble uploading images as only the link is showing + the images are over 7mb to upload direct!
  17. Odd! Not in my part of Worthing! There was heavy rain but not enough to cause that kind of flooding. It’s just started spitting with rain after the earlier rain had almost dried up
  18. I didn’t think there was too much rain here...what fell was heavy....but it’s almost dry now lol
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