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Everything posted by tomp456

  1. Looking at the lightning tracks it seems the storms are heading towards Portsmouth/Southampton/Hampshire/Dorset way so will have to make do with distant rumbles A thunderstorm would round off the perfect evening after Liverpool lost the CL final. Can't ask for too much can i?!
  2. Right on cue, just after sun set, the channel comes to life
  3. I wouldn't hold your breath There's some stuff in the channel we will have to see if that electrifies after sunset which is in about 20 minutes
  4. A few convective spits. Not looking good so far....still...the night is young
  5. The worst case scenario for me tonight is no thunderstorm and Liverpool winning the champions league. i'd happily take a storm and Liverpool winning the champions league though. I'm hoping that sunset makes the atmosphere explode, like it did last July where the storms formed just a couple of miles off the west Sussex coast and we took a hammering here.
  6. If it heads straight north where’s it going to hit over here? the sat pages are crashing on my phone
  7. I'm calling it a bust too. Cannot believe its nearly 6pm and there is not a sign of a storm any where near here. Jeez, all this hype for nothing. AGAIN. ps that's sarcasm. Not expecting anything if at all, until later on this evening
  8. Just gone though the 25c barrier with plenty of ac around now
  9. Hope I’m not jinxing here but I’ve only gone and put the batteries on charge.
  10. It’s so windy on the sussex coast! wish it would be still then it would be the calm before the storm! The wind is taking the edge of the humidity which is about 60% right now. 22c at the end of the pier...
  11. Cloud coverage increasing on the coast humidbwhen no wind srevthe storms later going to be elevated?
  12. All this talk of humidity....not t all here, there’s quite a brisk breeze. also, the euro4 is my friend. For now. Hope it doesn’t let me down.
  13. OK so I know it's not nothin' in terms of storm development, but it looked cool at the time
  14. Maybe a good thing then! Though for me I think I'm a little to far east...most of the good ole stuff is going to be around Hampshire/dorest areas....but such is the fine margins there might be a nice surprise for us all.
  15. Been in the sun for the last few hours. Quite surprised to see the sky clear almost fully, was only expecting bright spells.
  16. It's raining heavily and is HUMID! The storm symbol has been disappearing on ipod weather app over the last day...had Saturday, Sunday & Monday....but now just Sunday. Rain the rest of the time.
  17. This was about 40 minutes ago Phone has added exposure....was darker than the picture looks. Looks quite unstable to me! This is looking west towards Portsmoih/IOW way. I'm too far east/west to get anything IMO, but might see a few distant flashes after sunset should anything kick off.
  18. Worthing. It’s not too far from IOW. just started raining.
  19. Oh right. So I'm just outside of range as usual LOL. Never mind.
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