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Everything posted by lewisosd

  1. I'm predicting a good old Netweather downgrade with persistant and heavy blizzards for Tuesday
  2. ???? You had a cell last Saturday and one today. They both came over me in Bury - multiple rumbles and a few flashes
  3. Nice little cell just passed me about 10 miles north. Couple of rumbles, 1 CG and a flash. Still doesn't count as me out of the no storms club though!
  4. Looks like i'm gonna have to go out and chase if I want to see anything. Way to isolated
  5. hahaha lol! Someone's happy! Hope it intensifies and drifts this way. Any lightning?
  6. Oh yes rain is great here in the East. Much needed and we have had a lot over the last week. From looking outside it just seems the potential isn't there but we have been forecast storms by Netweather so wondering if this band of rain will clear and give way to some convection
  7. So yea Monday is looking great! What about today though? Lots of rain here now but not a rumble yet. Just overcast and dull. Any chance do you think???
  8. 6 week holiday for me as I am a teacher I'm not fussy with the date, will go with anything really
  9. SPANISH PLUME = HEFTY THUNDERSTORMS!!! Lets hope the East gets some of this at the end of the weekend!
  10. Hope this goes ahead. Has a date and venue been confirmed? Would like to show my face and meet you lot before the tour next year
  11. So the East looks set for a promosing end to the weekend. We all know though that them predictions can change. The last update yesterday had Sunday as 71% chance in my area but that has now been degraded to a sorry 0%! Monday has been upgraded to 81% with a 3000J/Kg CAPE and -7 LI. Finally may be able to make some use out of my camera. I am cancelling my band rehearsal just for the mere chance that I will be able to get out chasing!
  12. It's raining, again! Lots of rain the past 4 days it's been ridiculous! This is very interesting as I have heard a rumble even though from the looks of it, it does not seem thundery one bit. Lots of real fast moving scud and it is very low! Almost feels as I could reach out and touch it!
  13. Got some nice pics of the front of that cell from Cambridge way.Few rumbles but no lightning. Rain was coming down in buckets!
  14. Hows the St Ives cell hanging up? Still thunder?
  15. I know a perfect spot to watch incoming weather from Cambridge way. Gonna give it 20 mins and then go out and watch it come towards us. Fingers x'd it keep it's intensity up
  16. Yea just seen this on the radar after your last comment. This is drifting the right way towards me too. May miss by 10 miles but i'm willing to chase it if it intensifies. Any CG lightning in there?
  17. It's about time for the East to get some action. I'm still in the club and eager to get out! A few rumbles from two different cells but that doesn't count as a t-storm in my opinion
  18. Was not my mind. Few rumbles and a torrential downpour. Got excited and went and took some pics!
  19. Could of sworn I just heard a couples of distant rumbles from a very dark mass a few miles north of me. Or it could be my mind playing tricks on me!
  20. A day of radar watching! Hope this brings something to us finally
  21. Wow! Serious downpour which flooded parts of the A14 on my drive home. Very low visibility and had to slow down to 30mph. Almost like a monsoon!
  22. Where abouts in Suffolk are you? Nothing here. Still got my fingers x'd!
  23. Ah what a suprise! Storm risk prediction has gone down yet again for my area. Looks like i'm going to have to wait just that little bit longer!
  24. Nice and muggy here in Stowmarket. Raining now aswell. Lets hope the sun comes out a bit later. Trigger off some convection. 50/50 chance of a storm later this evening but i'm not getting my hopes up. Need to get out of the club!
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