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Everything posted by beatpete

  1. Spanish football coach Francisco Garcia dies of coronavirus, aged 21 WWW.INDEPENDENT.CO.UK A 21-year-old Spanish football coach has died from coronavirus, having been suffering from a form of leukaemia. Did not know he had leukaemia until after corona diagnosis...
  2. Not spoken to my source but it's still out there as per NHS Wales PR .... NHS no longer advises patients take Ibuprofen over fears it could make coronavirus symptoms worse - North Wales Live WWW.GOOGLE.COM Health officials have changed their guidance on the popular anti-inflammatory tablets in the wake of the Covid-19 outbreak
  3. Confused as came from senior NHS person, they put out press release and it was reported in news here, maybe they got duff info? Am trying to find out.
  4. Had this from a very reliable source, l will check...
  5. 4 youngests in ICU cork, all had taken ibuprofen, NHS Wales advice do not take.
  6. Couldn't where I live, we are surrounded by forests and mountains I rarely see anyone when I go for a walk, fear might be enough though..
  7. If ordered to stay at home yes, can go in garden if you have one but must stay 2 m from boundaries.....from BBC news last night
  8. It's odd, a Friend usually NHS admin was sent on training to staff the drive through test centres that opened last week, then they closed them the following day, no plans to use atm, all to be done in hospital now they were told, wonder if they decided against having as too risky....
  9. Thanks, l hope so soon, it's the virus ability to remain on surfaces that just makes it too unsafe for cleaning staff. We have just switched everything off and locked up, to reduce our outgoings, will use the time for maintenance. We,ve got quite low borrowing compared to some so can hopefully ride it out and spend more time with the family in meantime I
  10. No l,ve been closing my business, raided our stock cupboard, being in hospitality I have plenty of loo roll and cleaning products in stock
  11. Took mine out of school last Wednesday, some though I was crazy, don't think anyone will go in Monday irrelevant of what gov say.
  12. I run a few holiday cottages in Wales. we have 2 issues, everyone is cancelling as too scared to travel, my cleaners are quiting as the virus stays on surfaces for days, we are currently closing down everything for a few months, I have not idea if the business will survive.
  13. ...also proposals for free Carrier bags....
  14. I don't think that will be an issue once deaths occur in your neighborhood.....some schools already half empty, parents taking note of other countries advice
  15. Some big corporations pulled out before it was cancelled, they knew!
  16. Father of student at Swansea uni has it, student lives with Father and attended all last week, uni told a few select people but they were told to keep it quite, l know one of them who show me the messages, warned a relative who works in senior role at same Dept as they have serious health issues, they were leading a big trade event. Relative approched top brass who said , oh you found out.... Trade event cancelled last min...... Relative is furious....
  17. Four more people contract coronavirus in Wales WWW.BBC.CO.UK Police officer and a worker at the Office for National Statistics are among those to test positive. 7 cases linked to first one on my area....time to bunker down me thinks
  18. Kids aren,t vectors - ??? Anyone know the latest on spread from kids, l know not many display symptoms. The reason I ask is because my wife child minds from home so we have a lot coming and going and coughing, sneezing etc, we also have relatives with serious health issues..... Trying to decide if we should close for now...
  19. Drive through testing station open down the Rd in Swansea https://sbuhb.nhs.wales/news/swansea-bay-health-news/coronavirus-drive-through-testing-unit-has-opened/?fbclid=IwAR27SaQz_RXQk7r8fVbQRmGwrwQAsLjf9WjE0j8GHEerVuPLghsvZgz4H-8
  20. Chinese peak was brought under control by the length and very strict quarantine, they gotta be careful not to get a second wave once restrictions are lifted.
  21. Amazingly I found myself agreeing with a certain guest that I really thought I would never....
  22. We,ve not had 20 mins of sun here in Wales for decades....dam.... Will rain wash it away?
  23. And several of his colleagues are dead, all younger than the typical victims....mmmm
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