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Everything posted by JennyJane1

  1. What time is any estimate for snow starting to fall over here? us first because we are on the east coast? and if so do i set my alarm for early morning, say 4 or 5 to see if i should cancel my appointment?
  2. Very lucky that the bus or train to Norwich from here take roughly 45 minutes and its about ten pounds on the train or less on the bus, and i go to norwich every so often its got a primark! Seriously though its nice to go there, more upmarket than Great Yarmouth!
  3. yes its very nice if you have time to just look at the buildings in norwich
  4. I'm really hoping that it will be already lying snow early tomorrow morning as i will cancel my appointment, if the snow hasnt happened by then i will go, but then i'll worry it will snow before i can get back, like you, its difficult to know what to do, and i just brought some seed packs as well, but if its going to be cold until april i'll hold off planting them or see if some can be started on the windowsill indoors.
  5. i thought the same about the temperature although very overcast again here now and a bit chillier than earlier also seems to be quite thick fog setting in. And i am getting very confused about golden syrup and treacle.
  6. Dilemma, dilemma, even though the house is warm, there only needs to be a cold draft on the baby bird for it to be fatal, it is relatvely too big for the parents to sit on it and keep it warm now, but its still tiny and has only a thin cover of feathers, I might end up (yet again) with a baby bird down my bra for a few days.
  7. Very gloomy miserable day today, very darkoutside, grey skies, continuous drizzle, everything dripping wet, still warm but slightly colder than yesterday, if we are to have snow by tomorrow morning there would have to be a really dramatic drop in temperature by this evening.
  8. they are saying the bridge was only put up on saturday so something wrong with the construction seems likely.
  9. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/weather/fresh-weather-warning-for-snow-1-5435531 interesting depth prediction
  10. At the same time as watching these posts about possible snow i'm following the most awful breaking news story that a bridge has collapsed and lots of cars are trapped under it, i don't expect its survivable, just gives a perspective to the bickering going on in the model thread.
  11. If that is right, i won't be going anywhere at 8am on saturday.The snow will already be here.
  12. I'm usually lurking round the fish counter, buying fish for my seagull.
  13. Room 261 - weather and weeds Room 431 - cats, goats and weather Room 359 - what to wear in weather? other weather related courses as per the brochure.
  14. I wonder how many times I have run into you at the Beccles Tesco, and not known it was you.
  15. I think, i will do as Matt suggested, see how it is overnight Friday and into Saturday morning, I dont really want to cancel it because its so difficult to get one, might be a wait for the next one, as it is this one is a cancellation, to wait without a cancellation would have been much longer. Also the chemist just suggested I ask the consultant to change my meds because they cant get hold of the one i was prescribed so i do need to see someone, of course if its bad i expect the hospital will cancel anyway.At least you could get another appointment quiite soon, so that's good, you cant leave it with an infection, very painful you poor thing. It does seem really strange to think it will get so much colder in the next day, although its very gloomy and rainy out there, its surprisingly warm, i had my coat on but didnt really need it.
  16. yes, please can i come past, several times, just ignored me, even glanced at me then continued.
  17. Just got in from supermarket, it was empty, nobody around, plenty of bread, milk, vegetables, etc etc, so nobody knows to panic buy yet. I'd just like to thank the couple who would not get out of the way and dawdled from the checkouts to their car and wouldn't let me past and stopped to chat with others blocking the path, i got the bus stop just as my bus pulled out and had to wait half an hour for another one, ok it was warm rain, but it was irritating.
  18. you see that tiny area with no snow? that's the triangle, that is.
  19. Probably because its so warm, many dont even look here when its warm so they may not be aware of the weather turning till later today or tomorrow when the media and forecasts on tv start really talking about it.
  20. Matt, I know nobody can know for sure, but given my location, should i cancel my appointment at the hospital on saturday morning? i have to leave at 8.30 on the bus and it could be a four hour appointment with the tests being run, so i'm worried in case i get stranded midafternoon coming back, and given the transport chaos here a few weeks ago with the snow.
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