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Everything posted by Karl83

  1. Girlfriend just text saying clouds bubbling in Stroud area. Not sure how much though. EDIT: A lot of convection outside here too. Especially to my West.
  2. Defo mate. It'd be nice to see the vast majority of the UK having a thunderstorm. Imagine the carnage in here! Yes definitely more eye candy mate. To wither or not to wither? That is certainly the question!
  3. Yes, just had a quick look through the GFS and looks interesting. As you say long way off. I like this chart especially as its 3AM!!! http://www.wetterzen...s/Rmgfs1596.gif If this is showing on that evening, I will be staying up alllll night long.
  4. Good work on the PhD! Lots of strikes over there right now. Not jealous one bit......
  5. Very boring to my North, East, South and West. Nothing to report here, again. It's just the western way lol
  6. You could probably bet your life on it going by the last few weeks. Here's hoping!
  7. Some CB's growing to my North/North East. They are shooting up rather quickly by the looks of it.
  8. Fair doos dude! Maybe a trip to the Cotswolds would have been a complete waste of time then. lol. Good work on your little forecast you produced this AM or yesterday eve, can't remember now.
  9. Thanks for that. Think I'm gona stop hoping now and enjoy my beer. Have fun all! EDIT: You know nothing is going to happen in Bristol when AW Dude ain't posting lol.
  10. Showers developing in the West Midlands now. Is this going to extend further across the country, towards London?
  11. Well some cumulus and very large CBs have passed over my house since being home from work. Someone's gona get it!
  12. Dark skies here, the sun has been obscured for a while now. Pops out every now again though.
  13. Sounds good. I'm sure we could gather a few starving people to go up there lol. Storm starved btw lol.
  14. Might make a trip to the Cotswolds after work. Gotta be better than waiting for something in this Stormless City. Showers looking heavier down south now.
  15. Definatley a breeding ground here as AWD says. I've seen a lot of that lately from these setups. Now its cloudy and grey. Not great.
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