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Posts posted by TobyT

  1. Well the Met are now going with a more easterly theme to their forecast from this weekend onward and a continuation of cold continental air for the remainder of February is favoured also. I for one will be glad to see an end to this mild damp grey weather we have at the moment, although the rain in my part of the world has been welcome. keeping my fingers crossed.

  2. Hi All I'm new to this forum but have been interested in all types of weather since childhood.

    I have to say I really like all types of weather except full on heat or very humid hot weather unless we get a good thunderstorm then its worth all the sweat!

    As for this mild, dull dank weather where it seems never to get properly light all day, I hate it, I will go round the twist if we get this weather for too much longer. I would prefer wind and rain, or cold crisp polar air, anything but this. I guess I like my weather to be typically seasonal. Oh and here in the East we have had so little rain this year we could now do with making up the shortfall, I am still watering plants in the garden in November (Things that have not established), never been heard of before!!!

  3. I.m afraid the BBC 2 programme Will it snow? was pretty poor over all.

    It didn't answer the question that the title asked. It was clearly biased towards it own forecast supplier the Met office. It derided any independent efforts at long term forecasting. To allow Ewan Mccallum to get away with saying it will snow somewhere in Britain this winter was crass.

    It was factually incorrect within one minute of the start stating that last December was the coldest month for a hundred years. (If I was january 63 or feb 47 I'd seriously think about sueing.)

    It spread itself too thin instead of concentrating on answering the question at hand.

    God. How Meteorology cries out for an Attenborough or a Prof Brian Cox.

    Here, Here, I could not have put it better myself. Spot on.

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