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Everything posted by chiffer

  1. http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/forecast/gcqpbnqfb up and down like a fiddlers elbow these little weather icon's
  2. I'm just glad that I'm seeing a drop in temperature, at least any showers that do arrive might stay in the wintry fashion.
  3. Bah they're just as bad as we are when it comes to snow forecasts.
  4. This has to be the most annoying position when it comes to snow, usually im too west for any snow so don't really get to excited but now I just want it. Might go to a mothercare and tip every pram over.
  5. Do you think the low's slower progression in the south will benefit us? Certainly benefits them.
  6. Just rain all day for these parts now by the looks of it, hate it when the models are right! Hope everyone with some good elevation gets a dusting!
  7. Shouldn't matter if it's heavy enough, if it's very light then you could very well be right.
  8. The weather icons haven't half beefed up! http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/forecast/gcqpbnqfb#?fcTime=1484179200
  9. Not long until 12z's start rolling out, fingers crossed for a last minute upgrade.
  10. that would be well in line with their warning for us. poor southerners.
  11. Same as always then, I'll send the wife out to see if its snowing. If she comes back its obviously not been snowing enough.
  12. I'd be right in saying that the only useful PPN charts will be the ones closer to the event?
  13. I'm comfortably in the warning, however im quite confident and i hate to say it... nearly all of these showers will be rain. I'd much rather be in your position!
  14. We'll know everything when we see the 12z's roll out later on. Fingers crossed for some slight changes! About normal that it changes more to a southern event than an event for us!
  15. I wouldn't say guaranteed snow, it could well surprise us though.
  16. They're only bothered by the possible easterly next week, which is really not going to happen.
  17. Don't worry about them, when do they ever work?
  18. Oh good, I had been packing my winter clothes back up and telling the wife the MetO were wrong at the same time.
  19. Just give it time and don't expect any more warnings until tomorrow morning. It's clear that there experience is showing conflicts in what we see in the models. But it would seem they're in the same position as us, waiting for the lamp light. It'll snow and it'll be glorious.
  20. I'm not that worried, still plenty of time for change in my opinion. I'll be keeping an eye on the 12z's later on. A warning for snow has never meant a lot for our region anyway.
  21. How very odd that the likes of liverpool is in the warning area. usually we're just west and don't meet the requirements for snow at all! Even so im pretty sure places like oldham are going to get more than we do.
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