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Everything posted by divadee

  1. Is anyone else getting radar blindness? I think this is a real condition.
  2. Not letting me upload the pictures. But it's been moderate here for a while and getting a nice layer now.
  3. Work have taken an early call again today to close tomorrow. A 4 day snowy weekend. Amazing!!!
  4. You mean you didn't have the forum open behind emails or spreadsheets???? ? I have all week at the college.
  5. Moderate snow now here in central Bournemouth. Great to see. Himself is home and the baby is home from nursery. Now just need more to settle so I can take her out on the new sledge.
  6. I am surprised at the difference betwen here and poole but that's ridiculous for Hengistbury and southbourne.
  7. All we have had all morning is snizzle. I'm hoping it peps up later on this afternoon.
  8. I fell asleep for 1 hour to make up for last night and I come back to 6 pages. I haven't even looked out of the window yet ?
  9. This week has been a long long waiting game. And here we are on D-day and it's still a waiting game
  10. It's been pretty reliable this week for my location. It changes all the time but they get it roughly right.
  11. So meto app has just updated for me. It's now showing snow from 5pm instead of 2pm. It seems to be getting shifted further back
  12. So himself has just taken the baby to nursery (I'm home alone and relaxing in bed with toast looking out of the windows). Her face when she saw the snow. She just didn't know what to think. She's only just a year old and I think hee mind was blown!!!! I can't wait for later as she just will love it.
  13. I was just having a look at that forecast. Meant to stop about 7am and then restart about lunchtime. I was hoping for an all day event. I have also just looked at the radar and I can't see where the next band of snow is coming from. Possibly a glitch on the radar though.
  14. Let's hope it continues till at least 22.16 on Monday. ? Looks like my work might of made the right call. Himself who works at the uni still has to go in ?
  15. We finally have some proper settling snow in central Bournemouth. I've nly just woken up so I don't know what time it started but it's a light dusting.
  16. I have been trying to sleep for the past 1.5 hours. Between himself snoring his bloody head off, and checking the radar I well and truly have insomnia. Edited to add: although the radar seems to be trolling me. It was so close and now so far away.
  17. So I was going to attempt an early night for an early window watch tomorrow and then the bring in a weather warning. Damn It!
  18. It's like being the poop in a poop sandwich. Or like Ross from friends when his wife had the threesome. So left out ?
  19. I don't know how I am taking all the pressure for this event. ? I need a good night's sleep tonight but we all know that ain't going to happen.
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