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Everything posted by Sidsnake

  1. I just want to say. I always follow Netweather when extreme weather is about. And apart from the excellent posts, this is also an extremely useful forum to get prepared for bad weather. I've got the old camping stove ready, the boiler kettle and the nightlights are positioned. Its so helpful just to watch the posts as they come up. I'll be managing on soup as supernoodles give me indigestion
  2. I'm in West Kent, Did I hear Carol right on the Beeb when she said Eunice could arrive at 3 tomorrow morning?
  3. With regard to red warnings, I'll admit I don't know the issue mechanism for them but surely 1.00 pm might be a good time. Workplaces can organise WFH and schools can organise next day closure.
  4. Yes, just seen that. I felt they were pushing the seriousness of what may come. I love this Forum and its my go to for weather events. I am extremely worried about what may come to pass tonight.
  5. Quite surprisingly I'm near Tunbridge Wells, I've popped out tonight to pick up daughter. All roads I travelled were gritted.
  6. Oh God... its 1.50 am and its getting gusty and I hadn't thought about......fence panels .
  7. Any thoughts on West Kent area overnight and this afternoon. It is clouding over again now. I'm just wondering whether flock feeding will be a bit of a "Scott of the Antarctic" scenario later
  8. Well, I'm sitting here in Tunbridge Wells. I've fed the sheep that I look after this morning. I always check them twice a day. The snow has started again and I think that ever so gradually the flakes and intensity are increasing. Due to flock I'm keeping a very close eye out of the window and on here.
  9. Well, interestingly our house is on a bus route. Freezing here and no grit. I've parked the car at the side of the house as many years ago I saw a bus skid... does make the old ticker move when that bus is heading towards.... Your Car
  10. I suppose not really weather related but I just wanted to say thank you all so much. I've really really enjoyed following the posts today. I am awaiting Open Heart Surgery sometime this year and you have really taken my mind off things. Thanks again everyone. I really mean that.
  11. You may well be right. I'm in Tunbridge Wells and its starting again. Not 50p flakes I add but any brightness has gone so I will presume temps are now dropping back a bit.
  12. Is it wrong to have the sheep all fed and happy, wine open and be beyond excited. Very best of luck everyone. Lamb and Pork defrosting for a mega roast dinner tomorrow as the flakes fall...... That's without the roast potatoes, veg, Yorkshire puddings, gravy and various condiments.... and the pigs in blankets.. I'll see myself out. Contentment overload.
  13. Hi Kate, yes I'm in Tunbridge Wells too. Neighbour's going for their vaccination on Sunday morning. The wife especially is getting a bit concerned re weather. I've suggested they park on the main road overnight Saturday which I'm sure will be gritted.
  14. No you're not snipper. I'm going to start following very closely today.
  15. Hello Lottie, yes I woke up at 5.30 to a wet garden.. Like a fool I damn near opened the sitting room curtains. Luckily I didn't as it's all dried up in Tunbridge Wells and the sun is shining. Its also starting to get humid again. So fans being cranked up.
  16. I couldn't agree more. We're ok but struggling here.. It's far too hot.
  17. Its bloody depressing looking out at it. Another Farmer I know is already buying in grub for his cows, steers and bulls. I love Autumn and Winter but am dreading the hay situation. On talking to the Farmer with the cows and I may have this wrong but he implied that the VERY LAST window of opportunity is September, but we've got to have some good rain first.
  18. Rumbles of thunder here in Tunbridge Wells and a half-hearted bit of rain. Very overcast but I suspect not going anywhere. Fields and garden lawns looking terrible, brown and dead. On talking with the Farming community it may well be that there is a hay shortage this year. A Farmer friend of mine has only got half his quota in. No more grass left..
  19. To be utterly honest I like mid-20s and that'll do me. The veg garden grows well in that. I know some do like it hot, but not for me I'm afraid.
  20. Well, I have to say I'm feeling increasingly depressed by the browning grass in the fields. A farmer friend of mine has only been able to make HALF his quota of hay for this year.
  21. Good morning everyone... Well I've just got up. NOT LIKING the sounds of these winds in Tunbridge Wells one bit. I'm no expert and love following Netweather but I'd say this is worse than last weekend.
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