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Everything posted by Sidsnake

  1. Well... Its a bit gusty here already in Tunbridge Wells. And so many of the fields are waterlogged already. My friend has bought her cows in... Mud nearly up to the top of her Wellington Boots...And before any of our resident comedians comment the cows are in her barn NOT her house!
  2. Bloody windy now in Tunbridge Wells and we aren't in the worst of it yet... Which I understand is about 2.00 pm
  3. Surely John I would hope that any sporting events still on will now be cancelled.
  4. I think I'm just going to pop the washing in the dryer "in case" the power goes.
  5. I just bloody hope and pray people aren't damn silly in this weather.
  6. Lightening... When are they expected... Jesus Christ.
  7. Well here in Tunbridge Wells it's bloody gusty.. Lots of fence banging and things being knocked about... And as I'm sat here it seems even in the last few minutes to be getting fiercer.
  8. I'd just say to everyone to stay safe tomorrow and remember those that HAVE to go out tomorrow. Emergency Services, Farmers and the like. And although I might sound an utter bore don't take risks that you don't have to... Think of how your risky actions will impact loved ones if you are injured or God forbid dead. I'm so sorry to say this but stories of people sodding about on beaches and piers and then getting swept away really really upset me terribly. Best wishes to you all x
  9. Thank you... It just gives me an idea. I shall make sure everything is charged up. And candles to hand x
  10. I'm a lurker and don't post often. BUT when is this storm due to start biting down in the South East. I ask because I'm concerned if I need to make preps today. Thanks all x
  11. Yes.. You've summed up my worries exactly. Flying debris can be very dangerous indeed and sadly can, and does kill.
  12. I do believe that I hears ye rumbles of thunder in olde Tunbridge Wells
  13. With you there Tom... When I worked in care the elderly couldn't bear having the windows open... Utter histrionics when one was open a crack... The Home Conservatory was like a furnace in the summer but one elderly gentleman insisted on keeping the door shut... Glad I'm not doing that anymore. Poor Collette... I hope her shift passes quickly.
  14. Dami... Yes its much cooler thank God and I'm feeling better... Glad to hear you are too x
  15. Dami.. I hope today brings some relief for you. Ive got heart valve problems and although I'm classed as pretty fit yesterday utterly wiped me.... And I'm not the only one... A fair few chums have felt extremely unwell. All the best x
  16. Yep.... We've got all the curtains closed... and they are pretty thick curtains. Its helping a lot.
  17. In view of this very hot weather and I admit that I am struggling somewhat please do check on your elderly or vulnerable neighbours. Its going to get even hotter by the forecast and some people are indeed very vulnerable in the heat. Best to all.
  18. I have to agree with you... 25 degrees great... Any more not so great... Farming is already suffering with livestock being fed stocks that are meant for winter... And yes... Absolutely heat can kill
  19. Yes... Same as in Tunbridge Wells... And you are absolutely right that it should be heavy and sustained enough to be useful. Fields round here are parched and the farmers will be delighted.
  20. Yep.... I'm in the St Johns Road area of Tunbridge Wells at the moment at work. That sky is looking mighty interesting!!
  21. Oh love I hope she feels better soon... Very best wishes to you x
  22. Well... A reasonable night's sleep here in Tunbridge Wells... Only because I'm sleeping on top of my bedroom fan!!!! A lot of farmers round here are now feeding their livestock hay due to little grass being available..
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