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Eye to the sky

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Everything posted by Eye to the sky

  1. Christmas on the balcony... means Easter in the embers!!....
  2. An impressive 66mm of rain here since 4pm Sunday afternoon.Suprisingly little flooding though except for in my back garden!!.
  3. 2nd frost of the season here had to de-ice the car this morning!.Also had ice on the puddles in the back garden!.Not sure what the temperature fell to as my max and min thermometer broke last week!!.
  4. We just had ice on the windscreens of the cars that was all.Nothing too impressive just yet.
  5. Had ice here on the morning of the 28/8/12 so hoping for the same tonight.The afternoon showers have all died away and the wind has dropped significantly so it's looking good down here in the valley.
  6. That's what living in a valley next to a brook does for you.I'm at work in Derby now and the minimum temp here was around 6-7 degrees,only 6 miles down the road.
  7. Not sure what the temperature fell to here,but had to scrape ice off my rear window on the car this morning and the roof was white over.Often the case as we live in a valley!!.Winter here we come!!
  8. Two storms battling it out here now,one to my north and one to my east.Both giving brilliant deep rolling rumbles of thunder though i'm yet to see any lightning.The sky is quite bright here with only light rain.Both are moving to the NE of me but skies continue to darken to the south so looks like more to come.
  9. Still raining heavily here with 14mm in just under an hour.Thunder and lightning has faded now moving NE of here.Temperature has dropped sharply as well.
  10. I'm building an Ark never seen rain like this before.7 flashes of lightning and some brilliant sharp cracks of thunder!.Rain gauge has collected 9mm in just over 10 minutes!!
  11. Very dark here now with heavy rain and 1 fairly close boom of thunder,didn't see any lightning though.Did you hear that Supercell?.
  12. Heavy shower here atm no thunder or lightning though just plain old rain!!.
  13. Had one distant rumble here around 20 mins ago!.There were some very threatening clouds to my NE and they were moving very fast.Sun is out again now and it still feels terribly humid!!.
  14. Loads of Flying Ants taking off here!!,I was always told they come out before a good thunderstorm!!.Nothing much happening here apart from the humidity though the skies are darkening to my south.Maybe the Ants know something I don't!!.
  15. Pretty lively showers passing through here atm,nothing electrical though.Feeling very muggy as well.
  16. Several reports of snow in Switzerland especially around Lauterbrunnen.I'm no expert on the weather but is this out of season?!.
  17. Just had moderate rain here for around the last hour and a half.The wind has died down so it feels really muggy now.No sign of any thunderstorms here as yet.
  18. Heavy bursts of rain here now,although pretty intermittent.Very gusty wind as well.Still feels very muggy,and the sky has turned yellowy in colour.
  19. I too have noticed that the nights are drawing in as it is almost dark at 9pm now even on a clear evening.I'm not to bothered by the darker mornings as our bedroom faces due East and I used to be awake at 4am even with thick curtains.Now I can sleep through until at least 6am.Not looking forward to the de-icing the car routine though as we live in a real frost prone area here and can get frosts in late October!!
  20. Thought I just heard a rumble of thunder to the west of me in Derby and it has gone very dark.Not convinced though as there has been nothing since.Still extremely muggy and close though.It was probably someone's wheelie bin lol!!.
  21. All the dark threatening clouds have passed us now and the sun is shining again.Had a very brief splattering of large raindrops a few minutes ago.Still feels very muggy though.
  22. Skies are certainly darkening to to the south of here and the breeze has picked up too.Still pretty bright to the north with patches of blue sky.
  23. Welcome back to Derbyshire Supacell,let's hope the luck for around here continues for tomorrow.Had a few threatening clouds three this afternoon which did produce a few spots of rain.Not sure about tomorrow myself to be honest,anything that does form looks to be pretty well scattered and hit and miss but we'll see.
  24. .Yeah I know Little Eaton well,I drive through it every day returning from work.My Treehouse was in a field near Lower Kilburn in a huge Oak Tree.You can still see the Stump with a huge split through the middle of it.What was left of the tree was cut down 2days after it was struck as it became quite an attraction.I think it was deemed unsafe!.
  25. We live 7 miles north of Derby and have seen 8 storms so far this year.Apparently Derby had one last sunday afternoon and yet we had nothing!.Just goes to show how hit and miss storms can be!!.Not had a night time storm here for around 3 years.The early 90's seemed best for those,especially 1993 when my Treehouse got struck one night!!.
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