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Bolt from the Blue

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Everything posted by Bolt from the Blue

  1. Just installed it, terrible. Ads at the bottom of the screen so you can't see southern England.
  2. Just another day in the life for many in that part of the world!!
  3. Nice view on the Dortmund airport webcam: http://www.dortmund-airport.de/webcam?cam=camera_east
  4. Can see a few very distant flashes, but seems to be petering out. A familliar story...
  5. Sounds amazing! Now I'm thinking about heading south to see if I can get under it
  6. If anyone is interested in that incredibly lively storm in France, you might like to check out this live webcam in Bethune:http://www.smartvisio.com/streaming/streaming_bethune1.htmlThings are about to get ugly!
  7. A good performance for the Isles of Scilly atm. Do we have any members from there or have they not discovered the internet yet?
  8. William Grimsley will be happy, a sferic just popped up right on top of Newton Poppleford !
  9. those storms east of London are looking lively! hope someone is getting some footage of it
  10. I agree, I'm looking at France right now green with envy. We are a weak nation when it comes to thunderstorms (and football!)
  11. That's strange, I am in the very same predicament.I have my gym clothes on, but I'm looking at this storm wondering whether I should chase. Another distration from the gym lol!
  12. Looking good for the SE later, if i didn't have work I would drive down there (yes, I am mental)
  13. yep, why go all the way to USA for when there's this going on just next door!
  14. Incredible, looking forward to seeing some footage of that!
  15. Come on! this rain band better get serious, why can't we have something like that beast that went through Belgium last night! looks like we are just going to get heavy rain with the odd rumble
  16. surely these showers should turn nasty when then reach land, been very warm here in the sun
  17. Got this to my SW. Not sure if its anything to get excited about, but it looks like an anvil cloud forming. Sorry for the rubbish photo.
  18. I reckon there could be a few surprises tonight. After all we are still have the plume right on us, and with some activity pepping up over Cornwall and south of there we might get caught out.
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