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Bolt from the Blue

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Everything posted by Bolt from the Blue

  1. Have been watching for about 15 mins, seems to be getting bigger. No lightning observed yet but constant growling coming from the top of the clouds.
  2. Heavy ppn along the south coast of Cornwall, and a few sferics detected out to sea
  3. @Flash bang flash bang etc awesome pics, where were they taken? It looks like a good place for storm chasing as there's very little in the way, i.e. trees/hedges/hills etc.
  4. A screenshot from a video on my phone as the storm approached
  5. Just been out chasing the cell that moved through Shaftesbury/Salisbury area, drove through some of the most torrential rain/hail I've ever experienced, A36/303 flooded in places. Saw a few nice CG bolts but most of it seems to be IC.
  6. Storm near Brest still alive but has yet to make it's way across the unforgiving english channel
  7. I tend to feel down in the winter months when it just seems like endless wind & rain, coupled with short daylight hours and not very much exposure to the sun. Most of my hobbies are outdoor activities which rely on settled weather, so I need a few good days inbetween to stay positive.
  8. Underneath the convergence zone here, a few heavy downpours but no thunder, great to see some active weather again!
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