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dr weather

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Everything posted by dr weather

  1. Things livening up just south of where I am. Not followed the weather much today but looks like some sort of convergence zone?
  2. Nice 'sferics overhead just now. Not hear a decent crack of thunder in a while. Been staring out the windows all day given there is a rare tornado threat for our area, but not seen anything twisty and turny so far.
  3. Squally day here, mostly dry but you don't want to stray too far from cover today given how heavy the showers are when they do appear.
  4. Broken sunshine here through the morning but nothing to get too excited about. The cloud is gradually winning the battle.
  5. *Stormforce~beka* I was just in and out for a skin cancer operation. Sounds serious but isn't really. Just the type that can't spread. I grew up in the Channel Islands and got way too much sun as a kid. So I've been having various ops like this since around 2007. Most have been preventative (i.e. just removing suspicious moles) but a small amount were actual cancers. Advice to younger people on here: use sun screen!
  6. jtay Was just up the road from you but missed all the sun as was stuck in Southmead Hospital all afternoon!
  7. Nice to get some sun today, almost unbroken from lunchtime through to this evening. Would have been even nicer without the nagging wind but you can't have everything!
  8. Just back from the west of Ireland, had 4 consecutive days without any rain. I don't think I've ever experienced that before over there! Another day and it would probably have been classified as a regional drought.
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