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Everything posted by Formula_1_Fan

  1. The .org one seems to be available so I would probably use that. I think at worst he would just tell me to take it down and not really have to a leg to stand on. The only sticking point is I would have to put a moderate amount of work in when I am pushed for time at the moment. The end result would probably just be causing some annoyance to Madden, or at best I would sell him the domain and take the site down for the right amount.
  2. Hi, I am just wondering if anyone knows where I'd legally stand on this, but certain weather agencies annoy me. As a Job I do web development, as a hobby I like reading forums such as netweather. Now going to the point where I get annoyed by certain "agencies" I'm good at SEO (search engine optimisation) and I want to make a website where I review long range forecasts, look at what the papers are saying etc. With reasonable confidence I think I could get my site quite high up on google if you were to search winter forecast uk, winter 2014/15, uk ruined by snow etc. I guess the reason for the site is when someone like my 80 year grandparents say they are worried about me visiting them because of the imminent adverse weather that is about to effect the uk, I would like to provide a page/antidote to the hysteria created by certain forecasting outlets. I've been looking at a good domain name for my site (there are so many out there), and I have found a good one which, as it happens it is exactaweather.org. I would like to use said site to review long range forecasts, maybe pick holes in them. I would also greatly appreciate any input from people on here. Just out of coincidence there happens to be a weather site that exists called extactaweather.com and whilst I'm confident I could "beat" them In the SERPS (search engine result pages), I'm just a tiny bit worried they could get me in trouble for using a similar name. Should I just go for it as what I am doing is just reviewing long range weather forecasts and just coincidently has a very similar domain to theirs? I really have my heart set on exactaweather because I'd be analysing the exact weather in comparison to long range forecasts. Or is there a likelihood they could take me to court? Therefore would it be better to use something along the line of exactlyweather.com, exactawhether.com? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, and apologies if this is the wrong place for this.
  3. Thanks, I might have a look around the internet to see if I can find anything and suggest it the next time I see them but they very rarely listen to me. I'm just not cool enough in their eyes!
  4. I did Geography at Leeds which was really enjoyable and interesting. The first year split its focus pretty much 50/50 between the human and environmental sides but after that you could pretty much choose which way you wanted to go. There were some great modules to choose from as well, such as a natural disasters module which did cover hurricanes,volcanoes and tsunamis in quite a lot of detail. Here is their homepage if you want to have a look http://www.geog.leeds.ac.uk. I'm sure if you were to give them a call with any questions they would be more than happy to help. The staff were always really friendly! Just to agree with some posts above it is hard to find work after uni, especially it seems with a geography degree, I'm now a web developer so I don't really use my degree for anything these days. My (much) younger brother has just finished his degree also in Geography and hasn't found work. Despite that my second brother has just started his degree course and has also chosen Geography so maybe third time lucky. All that said though I did do a tiny bit of web development on my course and that it is what got me interested and set me on my path to my current line of work.
  5. For some reason I'd expect better from the Independent. My main problem is how can it be the wettest winter since 1981 when earlier this year they were speaking about last winter as the wettest in 100 years (for example link below). Surely it would have to be the wettest since last year? That doesn't sound as catchy I suppose. http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/nature/uk-weather-counting-the-cost-of-the-destruction-from-the-wettest-winter-in-a-hundred-years-9122439.html At the bottom it does go on to say "The research states that this winter being the wettest in 33 years is 25 per cent likely, while the probability has been no higher than 20 per cent for the same time period." Followed by "The likelihood that it will be the driest on the 33-year record is 15 per cent, while previous years has had estimations at 20 per cent" So there is a 10% greater chance it will be the wettest in 33 years as apposed to the driest in 33 years. I think they, like many other outlets are misinterpreting the way the met office probability charts should be used to get a good headline.
  6. I don't think 97 million is too bad when you compare it to the ridiculous amount of money being spent in say football or something these days. I know that's not tax payers money but ultimately it is the public who have to pay with increased ticket prices etc. I mean 97 million is probably Gareth Bale plus his wages for a year, if it's moving science forward it can only be a good thing.
  7. Just out of curiosity what is input into the long range models? At the moment we have seem to have a number of factors hinting at a colder winter or at least factors that make it more of a possibility for us. I understand the OPI won't be factored in but with promising signs from other things such as the SAI, an easterly based QBO, weakish El nino, and perhaps a stratosphere that appears more likely to play ball what are we missing? I was under the impression the long range models take all of the above into account and going off some of the excellent posts on this forum (which are miles ahead of my level of knowledge), you would expect the models to be hinting at something a bit more wintery. So is there something they take into account that has being missed on the forum?
  8. I was just having a nice look around the Internet when I stumbled on this from the 9th October: http://www.abc2news.com/weather/weather-blogs/october-pattern-index-says-very-cold-winter-ahead I find the whole OPI thing very interesting and I'm looking forward to more info on it in the future, but to say the US is in for another severe winter based on what looks like 7 days of OPI data seems a bit crazy. At least it's not just us lot on this side of the Atlantic that have to put up with alarmist weather headlines.
  9. Is it possible that it reaches this point in the month and they stop using forecast data and just input the actual data from each day? It might explain why the value stopped fluctuating as much last year. I'll admit I know very little but with the pv typically getting stronger during the last part of the month do the models tend to struggle with its development if it's slightly abnormal or unusual?
  10. All the flooding has certainly put my anger at losing my recycling box into perspective. I don't think I have seen wind that bad for a long time. There is a wooden bench outside my house which in the biggest gust got flipped and blown across the floor about 8ft from the grass to the pavement. Seem to have got away without any serious damage occurring up here though.
  11. Just a guess but I think met office quote is because Madden will have told them that they are saying that. There was a comment by him on his Facebook a few days ago how the met are now predicting a cold winter 8 months after him. He has probably said this to the papers who have then just taken it as exactly what the met have said. He has probably got this from the long range models that were hinting at slightly below average winter. I'm probably giving him too credit as I can't imagine him looking at anything based on actual science.
  12. I wonder if the express have suddenly given Madden the elbow hence his outburst the other day. I am hoping they have realised that after a while if the headlines are lies then people will wake up and start buying something else. Surly it discredits all other stories in there as well, if the headline is wrong then it doesn't reflect well on the less important stories that didn't make front page news.
  13. Isn't there a saying "Ice in November to bury a duck, the rest of the winter is slush and muck." I don't really buy into sayings though. December 2010 followed the cold end to November and as we all know December is classed as winter.2011 itself was a shocker here for snow though. From memory we went the whole year without any lying snow. We were in York sometime in Feb that year and woke up to a dusting of snow which quickly turned to sleet. When We got back home it was just wet flakes with nothing settling. I remember being disappointed at the time as usually up here is good for snow if there is some about. A month later though we found out we were having a baby so the weekend in York had turned out to be quite productive in the end.Skip forward 9 months and I remember being woken up at about 3 in the morning to do the night feed and when I looked out it was snowing quite heavily. By morning it was gone though, so all in all 2011 wasn't a memorable year for snow here.
  14. I've just read this on the bbc and it doesn't quite seem to tie in with the more recent model output. England 'faces flood risk' as wet November forecast http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24927869 Perhaps it's a story they have been holding onto for a few weeks from when it looked like a more westerly regime was going to dominate this month. Who knows. I think it's interesting that in the environment agencies winter flood outlook report they are urging people to be prepared. (Admittedly I've not read it, I'm just going off this article). I presume the environment agency would work quite closely with the met office on this so perhaps the met are thinking its going to be a wet winter.
  15. Looking at some of the other pics it looks like it must have been a pretty spectacular storm! I was supposed to be visiting some family in Manchester this weekend so I am a bit gutted I missed that.
  16. A friend in Manchester sent me this pic about an hour saying it was snowing. Is it a wind up? I have had a look on a few webcams of some the higher ground around Manchester and I can't see anything on them. I see there is mention of hail showers in the north west but looking at the windscreen it looks more like snow on the pic.
  17. My wife's father runs a cafe in a small village that relies on tourism. I think it was a few weeks ago that Powell was saying in one of the papers how we were going to have a weekend battered by storms only for it to be glorious sunshine. My father in law found his profit was down something like 60 percent compared to last year over the same weekend and the only thing he could attribute it too was the fact that forecasts in the paper had put off people from visiting the local campsite. I don't like to criticise people but the express has to think about a whole range of consequences before printing the nonsense it gets from these people. Although I will thank them for the free Sunday dinner I had out of the leftovers from that weekend. I think it was the weather bomb nonsense http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/429792/Chaos-warning-as-70mph-weather-bombs-sweep-in
  18. Apologies if its been posted already but I think this is my favourite webcam that I found after someone posted it around this time last year. Just noticed it has had a bit of the white stuff this morning. http://www.webcam-4insiders.com/de/Wetter-Kleine%20Scheidegg/1026-Kleine%20Scheidegg-Wetter.php
  19. I found a badly shot video on YouTube of someone driving round the area and I was surprised how bad it was. It rained all day here but nothing as bad as some of the storms we have had the last few years
  20. Hi guys, I don't post on here that often but I wondered if anyone had any info on the damage yesterday's flood has done to Saltburn. It is probably our little ones favourite place so it will be really sad if there is any lasting damage, but from these pics it doesn't look good. http://www.whitbyseaanglers.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=31703.0
  21. I'm only about ten miles away from you in Osmotherley and we did ok out of last Sundays event into Monday. Some of the drifts up on the moors were amazing, just hope I get a chance to go for a walk tomorrow and take some pics of them with this top up. Amazing the difference a little elevation can give you!
  22. Just wondering if there is anyone who knows how bad it is in Northallerton? My girl friend is a nurse at the friarage and needs to be in for 8 tonight. We live in osmotherley and from what I can gather it isn't really going to be a sensible trip to try and make unless its absolutely necessary.
  23. Well after a few beers to celebrate Hamilton leading an F1 race and not breaking down for a change I was having a chat with a friend about the odds of various things which in turn led my brain into thinking about the weather. I am no expert with odds but take Hamilton this season. The odds of him breaking down in the next race are lower than they were at the first race because he has broken down frequently all year meaning certain conditions have changed in the time from the first race to now. I've seen a lot of people saying in the model thread over the past week or so that the current potential cold spell is unlikely to be as severe as December 2010 because that was a 1 in 100 event. I am not saying it will happen again by any means but as the event happened recently, and before that we had early 2010 with a severe cold spell as well, would this make it more likely than 1 in 100 for it to happen again? My thinking can summed up in this article on the BBC about double yokes in eggs http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-16118149 I think in summary of my slighty drunken ramblings - If conditions have changed in recent years for various reasons, solar activity, ice melt or whatever, and there have been a few recent example of severe cold events occurring then the chance of another severe event would be more likely than the previous one. Or have I got that completely wrong? I'm sure there are a lot of people with a better grasp of odds and maths than me, so I will happily stand corrected. PS I didn't really know which thread to put this in, but as this one seems quite friendly, and the post is a kind of ramp in that it asks why can't 2010 happen again, I thought this would be the best place for it!
  24. We had a quick shower here on the edge of the north York moors earlier today. (I have tried to attach pic but I'm new to this). The current weather seems to be a relatively steady snizzle with heavier showers mixed in. It looks like its starting to settle on the grass so I'll post a pic in the morning if we get a covering.
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