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Everything posted by fUnKy

  1. i'm in the city though. This is the coldest I've ever recorded.
  2. -0.1 now in plymouth... First ever negative reading. maybe no snow but that's cheered me up.
  3. Just had a whatsapp from my mum in Bucks.. Looks like you're all getting a top up today. There back garden looks a picture. Have fun and wish i was there!
  4. I guess just hope they're a touch wrong but as it's so close now, you'd think they're probably right.
  5. seems to have been downgraded somewhat. Yelverton looked in for a good fall but now light snow mainly.
  6. 0.3 degrees C last night in plymouth. Coldest since (my) records began.
  7. made me think of this pic i took back in 2010. The Graffiti contrasted against the snow.
  8. fUnKy

    Old Snow Pics

    Taken 2010
  9. fUnKy


    From the album: Old Snow Pics

  10. I had one which he used to call salt toast and then the dripping from the meat too. My memory's a bit sketchy though as I was only a child when I used to spend the holidays with him. It's made me want some now.
  11. My grandad had me eating that when i was about ten but haven't tried it for a while. Dripping on toast too.
  12. One on more 4 is a repeat. But decent. 1.7 degrees in plymouth. Coldest since (my) records began.
  13. Only saw one because I drove upto Dartmoor in the middle of the night Last Sunday.
  14. cheers, here's hoping. good news is, on Friday it said rain. At least it now says sleet. also, noticed in home counties thread, mksnowangel, winterwatch, 1963 the big freeze special on today on BBC 2. 5.30 I think. Just a heads up for those that way inclined.
  15. Yesterday was gotta be one of the worst days ever... No snow for me. Laptop Hardrive went early afternoon on which an awful lot of material is which i need to revise for my 70% of my Structures module test on Monday (who said trying to be paperless is a good idea?). Then my g/f came down with norovirus and by mid evening was being sick constantly and by evening we had to have the paramedics out to look at her. Now today I wont get to go out in any of the snow in Dartmoor as I have to get my laptop working again and revise while hoping I don't become sick. Enjoy it for me guys.
  16. So many factors: Snow itself... The magical way in which it falls, fluttering to the ground. The way it transforms everything around you and hides impurities under a white blanket The fun you can have in it. Then secondary factors, the need to keep yourself warm The way many people seems so cheerful and also the perceived lack of it when I was a kid. It seemed to be promised but would hardly materialise, so when it does come it is an event. As I haven't had any this time makes me want it even more.
  17. Anyone know what the roads up towards Princetown are like? Are they shut. Can't find anything on the AA
  18. Nice. My folks are about 8 miles the other side of Aylesbury to you. If i didn't have a stupid test Monday I would of been back to enjoy it!
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