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Everything posted by Weather-history

  1. Got one of my timelapse going looking east. will be interesting to watch how quickly it developed.
  2. It would be interesting to see how the UK especially England and Wales would have coped with its water resources if we were getting the kind of rainfalls totals that were recorded during the late Victorian/Edwardian period. 16 years, (2007-2022) England and Wales (EWP) rainfall average per annum: 986mm Compare that to 1887-1902 per annum: 846.5mm The last 16 years were about 140mm wetter per year on average than the end of the Victorian and the start of Edwardian period. That was up to 1903, which was a very wet year but that was a blip (and it stands out like a sore thumb) as it return to form with another dryish period up to almost start of WW1. 1940s, 7 of those years were sub 900mm for annual rainfall for England and Wales including 5 on the bounce from 1941-1945, there have been 5 since and including 2000.
  3. Wow, a huge possibly a postive lightning flash to my NW and the first thunder of 2023, although distant.
  4. Wow, really fierce looking sky to my WNW can see faint lightning flashes in that area.
  5. Really dark looking towards the north of Warringto. That cell really took off on the radar.
  6. Raining here. Drought broken. Have you notice how well Merseyside area has done with thunderstorms in the last ten or so years?
  7. Arome 12z shows not a lot when compared to its 0z run Some areas may not even receive any rainfall
  8. TORRO issued a forecast The Tornado and Storm Research Organisation (TORRO) WWW.TORRO.ORG.UK TORRO is a privately-supported research body specialising in severe convective weather in Britain and Ireland
  9. If you miss any showers and thunderstorms, don’t know when the next rainfall will be after this. Looks dry at least going into next weekend.
  10. 2004? I don't think summer 2004 was a great summer. Mid June-mid July was poor and August was pretty much very wet with plenty of thunder.
  11. Hmmm That UKV says 29°C, met office on their forecast says 26°C for my area Chester area UKV says 32°C, 27°C on the met office forecast
  12. Hadley precipitation for NW Eng and NWales 18th consecutive day (up to 6th June) with nowhere recording any rainfall. That's quite remarkable, it is not easy to get that length period of time without registering anything over such a large area. Take the summer of 1976, never reached that length Spring 1980? Nope. August 28 1959 - Sept 19 1959: 23 days
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