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Posts posted by masheeuk

  1. I have read in several places that volcanos have a negative impact on climate temperatures so was wondering if people think the eruption in Iceland could impact on this melt season or is the effect more transient.

  2. I think some people might be shocked if their behaviour for the last 15 years was listed out in a plain text file and was published for all to read and critique. I mean, who can stand up and say that in the last 15 years they have done nothing of which they might be ashamed or embarrassed?

  3. On the IJIS figures Arctic Ice now stands at 6257188 the sixth highest in the series (of 7) and around 200,000 below the 2002-2008 average. The average growth over the past week is around 73,000 per day, which is slightly below the average growth at this time of year, however this disguises the fact that at the start of the week, ice growth was very low, but it seems to be picking up quite a bit now.

    Also worth noting I think is that even just on the avererage of these few years it is below by ave 300,605 with only 2007 lower :)

  4. 9) Swine flu, ditto especially once the weather turns cooler, viruses prefer cool to heat.

    The chief medical officer, Professor Sir Liam Donaldson, said that in the worst case scenario 30% of the UK population could be infected by the H1N1 virus, with 65,000 killed.

    The best case scenario is that 5% of the population contract the virus, with 3,100 deaths.

    current mortality level still in double figures

  5. The first six are hard to dispute but I think that these could well be classed as scaremongering

    7) Mad cow disease had the potential to infect and kill many, thankfully for us all that disaster has been averted due to removal of carrier parts of the carcass from the food chain.

    14 May 2001

    It may be five or ten years before the rest of the population of those at risk develop the disease.

    Professor John Collinge

    Professor John Collinge is one of the government's top advisors on vCJD and director of the Medical Research Council Prion Unit in London.

    Official estimates predict the final death toll from the disease could be as high as 136,000.

    . The last study published tests made on tonsils removed and other organs showed no signs of the prions responsible.


    Eight) Bird flu, still time for that one yet.

    The government chief medical officer, Liam Donaldson, in 2005 said that there would be definately be a pandemic maybe not in 2005 but soon and it would kill 50,000. If a new strain did hit the UK before a vaccine was created, Sir Liam said an extra 50,000 would probably die - and a death toll of 750,000 was "not impossible".


    9) Swine flu, ditto especially once the weather turns cooler, viruses prefer cool to heat.

    The chief medical officer, Professor Sir Liam Donaldson, said that in the worst case scenario 30% of the UK population could be infected by the H1N1 virus, with 65,000 killed.

    The best case scenario is that 5% of the population contract the virus, with 3,100 deaths.

    current mortality level still in double figures

  6. There are signs of a change coming from China though, they're forging ahead in green technology. I don't for one minute think it's because they're suddenly concerned about the environment or want to comply with Kyoto or son of Kyoto; there's money to be made and they want a slice of the pie.


    . Solar panels and the like a prohibitively costly at the moment, give China a few years and we'll all be fitting them.




    I was having a drink last night and listening to the loudmouth, every pub has one along with the man who makes a pint last three hours and will tell you the last 30 years history of the pub.

    The loudmouth was saying that global warming has been dreamt up by the US to limit power for China/India so they can slow down the financial/economic growth of these countries which will make the US a has been country. Hows that for a conspiracy theory.

  7. just for the record the powers that be are doing all they can to keep us all alarmed.

    Couldn't agree more there has been a continuous stream of warnings od diseases that would wipe us all out.

    BSE, the biggest con job ever attempted

    SARS was going to wipe everybody out

    Bird Flue was on its way from the far east

    Swine flu has pandemic status yet less people have died than during a normal winter.

    For me the shame is I think warming is happening but feel there are scares being created to make people panic

  8. I wondered how many people have ever been bitten by a native spider. It's largely a myth that no spider in the UK bite, and this is often confused with th fact that only one native spider is poisonous 'Steatoda grossa' (False Widow, not to be confused with Steatoda nobilis, also known as false widow, from Mediterranean)

    If anyone was bitten by the native spider what reaction did they have, and which spider was it, if known..

    Would be interesting to find out people's experiences

    I haven't been bitten by a spider. I did have one jump at me in Tobago which freaked me out a little bit

  9. This does make sense. The Pacific earthquake was magnitude 8.3, which is huge and is amongst the largest ever recorded. The energy release during an earth quake travels right around the globe, so I can understand how the seismic waves can cause other unstable faults to fail.

    As terrible as this episode is, we should all be thankful it happened where it did. Just imagine the effects if this had occurred off shore from Japan/Philipinnes or beneath California/Mexico, all of which are potentiall at risk from such a magnitude earthquake but with vastly greater population densities.

    I think this also ties in with a documentary made a couple of years ago I think entitled Earthquake storm. This raised the possability of earthqaukes further along fault lines.

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