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Everything posted by alexisj9

  1. Well even the forecast mentions the possibility of storms later, saying most will see heavy showers, some of which will be thundery.
  2. Wow it's warm out to spite the cloud, and you need to sit outside in the slight breeze, or you're pouring.
  3. Think it's highly unlikely tonight, although it is pretty warm and humid feeling.
  4. Cloudy warm, with the odd drop falling from the cloud when I picked up the kids, probably still is.
  5. Woke up to it still being cloudy and over cast looking, quite humid with little wind around too. Unusual for down here.
  6. After a day of nice blue sky's the cloud has started to role in. Just fluffy bits of nothing though.
  7. Been a lovely day today, which was good as it was Dover carnival day. Lot's of fun was had by the whole family.
  8. Had a couple of showers this afternoon, one of which produced a rumble.
  9. Been overcast all day with pockets of drizzle now and then.
  10. Lovely day here once the cloud cleared, wish I didn't take my coat out with me.
  11. Just heard a distant rumble from that stuff in the channel. Heading to the north sea not here though by the looks of it.
  12. You can keep the rain, had a lovely sunny day till, about two hours ago, it's looked like raining a few times since, but nothing except the occasional big drop or two. Until the shower above, everywhere was soaked in about a minute or less.
  13. Sun was out here all day, after this mornings rain cleared
  14. Seems to be getting a bit more today, so fingers crossed for you.
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