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Everything posted by alexisj9

  1. As I was walking home from town earlier, I noticed a cloud that had hit the cap with some flattening, then started over shooting, I'm guessing there was a storm to my north west.
  2. Yep that's what some of the thunder was like here the other day, just went bang, and that's it.
  3. Not a bad day, breezy and cooler than it has been, but still nice.
  4. The cloud here lifted at about the same time^, been nice and sunny ever since, not a cloud in site.
  5. I see where you mean, I think it's to small though. Could have been in the process of forming or receding though. Shame it's a still, can't tell if it's rotating or not.
  6. Been blue sky all day here, although there is now some cas about, I don't expect any showers here.
  7. This doesn't explain the phenomenon but shows what you mean, I saw this storm myself, the first two strike were normal thunder and the third big strike was the shot gun type, infact it's still the loudest rumble I've ever heard and I was miles away, dread to think what it sounded like right under it. Although it's quite possible another one happened closer may be. Storm did everything, heavy rain, hail, snow, and damage. http://www.ethiogrio.com/news/world-news/9728-lightning-bolt-halts-eurostar-and-parts-of-britain-are-still-covered-in-snow.html
  8. There was a series of loud ones just out to sea here last night that just went bang, like an explosion, three within milliseconds of each other at one point.
  9. Not sure, cause can't see the tops, I think it's just cas.
  10. Looks like from what's written, orographic lifting is the trigger.
  11. You can see what the cloud base is doing too, can be fascinating sometimes. You won't catch me outside in a storm unless I've no choice, like yesterday when I had to pick up the kids. The good thing is the lightning wasn't very active.
  12. Welcome to the forum, it was a great day for most in the south east yesterday. I also enjoy all the commentary here.
  13. I prefer the type of storm you got, thunder lightning, with no rain.
  14. You wouldn't have liked the kent storm much mostly rain with flashes every 2-5 mins, but boy some of those packed a punch.
  15. It feels warmer here today, with some humidity about. temp is 17.1, so about the same as yesterday.
  16. Still raining here quite heavy still to although it has been lighter than earlier for about an hour now.
  17. It's still raining but I think the lightnings done now. Or hasn't been any for a bit anyway.
  18. Basically That trough which the changed to an upper cold front, then did this. http://rammb.cira.colostate.edu/wmovl/VRL/Tutorials/SatManu-eumetsat/SatManu/CMs/ULL/backgr.htm Which is why we still have storms about. Just my view. It fit's with the storms over kent, which are in the right place if I'm right about this.
  19. Upper level low, very slow moving features, I think this is one.
  20. Yes I think they are, I've forgotten what these are called but I think a small low has formed. There is a name for what I'm thinking of but I can't remember it. But you can clearly see on radar with the rain, what I mean. I don't mean a short wave.
  21. It's got to be weird if your a person in france who likes storms, watching one go slowly SE from the UK.
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