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Emz by the Thames

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Everything posted by Emz by the Thames

  1. Lightning overhead!!! Edit - and again - 4th in the last hour. Edit...make that 5! 8 in total, direct hit it seems!
  2. 1.1.c when the neighbours finally let me get to sleep at 4.45am this morning. No sign of a ground frost here in the valley but with my allotment 100m ASL, it will be a degree colder up there no doubt so I will be up there for an inspection shortly. Quite a lot of people on the allotment complaining that heir plants are not thriving and many have delayed planting.
  3. Have fun at the fieldwork! Not doing GCSE Georgraphy is one one of biggest regrets. I remember that exam feeling as if it were yesterday. But the feeling you get when it's all over is pure bliss so look forward to that feeling! I have got to dash home tonight, then up the the allotment with cardboard boxes and bring 100 seedlings in standard sized pots from the polytunnel into the flat for the weekend. That's going to be fun - it's just 37sqm in here and already packed to the rafters! literally don't know where they are going to go! A tip from two very experienced allotment holders who have plots next to mine - at this point in the year, if there is a frost possible, just cover your young potato plants with soil. This will protect them from the frost and they will simple grow out of the soil you've places on top of them. It won't crush or harm them - but a frost will!
  4. Already having to water the allotment, really wish we could have a deluge or two. Also wary of planting out pot-bound seedlings as can't rule out a light frost yet. Currently deciding whether to rearrange the coffee morning which is outside but under a marquee tomorrow at 11.30am...sensible or overkill?
  5. It's been like November out there for the last two days and now it's raining. Have had to delay sowing salad seeds. When your Latvian friends are moaning about the spring weather, you know it's really rubbish!!
  6. Dramatic skies at the allotment today, had to dodge the showers quite a bit, thanks goodness for the polytunnel! Really fed up of the wind, glad change is afoot. We've even lost items that were weighted down.
  7. Holy smokes... some big gusts out there folks, watch out!
  8. Big tree down here, blocking the road. Can really hear the wind above the TV now.
  9. Praps we should keep the Fog Index going all year! I might make my new forum name Fog Index!! I don't remember any Feb being this foggy.
  10. Day off today so we could work on the allotment, picked a perfect day for it. 26.c in the poly tunnel, very nice sitting there drinking coffee in that warmth!
  11. I love snow and we've been lucky enough to have two snow days this winter. But the seemingly endless dark grey afternoons that we had in December and January have left me craving sunshine now. I might be feeling differently if we hadn't had any meaningful snow, though. I might still be longing for it! Have booked Friday off so i can enjoy the sun/get some allotment work done.
  12. Not doing melons this year...going to try...loofahs instead. Might hold off the first round of planting as we might get another cold spell, possibly..oh and the slight issue of moving house and having nowhere to put anything!! I'd laugh if Feb fog index had fast returns - number of Feb fogs equals number of Feb snowfalls!!
  13. Perhaps the next time it snows, it will only snow at one end of your street. My road is very long...it goes from Cheapside to Fishguard!
  14. Really strange fog just kind of rolled over the hill and covered us. How about February Fog Ind....never mind.
  15. Well, that looks like it in terms of cold once tomorrow is over (for the foreseeable anyway). I love snow but for the sake of my heating bill, house hunting and allotment, I could do with a few 10.c days. But what a great few days of weather, forum and radar watching - I've been glued! Thanks to everyone for your updates. I live in Bucks but I'm from Surrey and it's nice to know what's happening in Addlestone as well as my fave places like Newlands corner, Box Hill etc And for all the travel worry and a lightly twisted ankle, watching my partner fall off his sledge and somehow end up the right way up by the time he got to the bottom of the hillto roars of laughter from complete strangers...well those are memories you just couldn't buy. See you soon.
  16. Snowing lightly in low High Wycombe. This Basingstoke trip...will there be crisps?
  17. Snow day for us, went sledging for the first time since I was a kid, it was far too much fun!!
  18. (To quote Mansun) I'm in a wide open space, it's freezing... (I am there...honest!) High Wycombe Valleys, should think hills are a bit worse.
  19. Moderate snow, swirling around as it falls here in low High Wycombe, a covering in about 15 minutes..
  20. Right old wintery mix here, fine balls of hail/snow settling quickly.
  21. Me too, that's why I was there! My little MX5 is lovely...but she doesn't do snow, not even 1cm.
  22. Having just come back from Sainsburys, can confirm every single pensioner in Buckinghamshire is currently in there. Urgh...lots to do tomorrow, wish the forecast would firm up a bit!! Wycombe is a nightmare when it snows. My friend took 5 and a half hours to get from Beaconsfield to High Wycombe last week, about 4 miles. Over capacity A roads and hills everywhere means 3cms and grind the place to a halt.
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