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Everything posted by 101_North

  1. Absolutely horrendous morning with relentless torrential rain! Happy bank holiday
  2. Only 12c but feels much warmer in the sun. Great day of getting stuff done in the garden. Sitting outside with a beer. Lovely
  3. Can only hope the Norwegians (yr.no) are having a laugh for next Tuesday and Thursday
  4. Shouldn't have typed that as the weather gods are now laughing at me as it pishes down
  5. Back in NI for the weekend and the weather is lovely compared to what I left the house to this morning! Beautiful sunny day and reaching 15c this afternoon. Lovely walk round the coast and a beer outside later if it stays like this! Good for the soul
  6. Heading down to the airport now and lower down surface water and flooding is a bigger issue! Horrible day!
  7. Earlier snow turned to rain for a while but it's back to heavy snow and everything is white although it's a really just a slushy covering!
  8. Absolutely hammering down with wet snow here but not lying except for a slushy covering on the car windscreens!
  9. One good day over the weekend and back to relentless, vile pish! Shocking run of weather that seems endless!
  10. An absolutely joyless day of weather that seems to be getting worse by the minute
  11. Real mix of everything in Edinburgh City Centre. Hail, sleet and snow! Horrible!
  12. dryfie Ignoring the sarcasm in your reply I'm assuming a squall line or something embedded in the front that went though. Didn't last long but fair whistled round the house! The use of the word gale was probably overdoing it
  13. There was no gale forecast so why is there one currently howling round my house?
  14. Quite impressive temp inversion / difference locally this morning. 1c at Edinburgh Airport (4 miles away in a straight line) but here with just a modest increase in elevation it's already 6c!
  15. Very heavy hail here at the minute! Everything briefly white. Edit: Now turned to heavy sleety pish!
  16. Absolutely beautiful start to spring! -3c and blue skies. Fantastic! Shame it's looking likely to nosedive into rain and sleety pish later
  17. Local met station station shows a sharp temp decrease of 3c as soon as that first band hit. Fits in with how quickly it turned to snow. The second band was a mix of hail, sleet and rain. Nowhere near the intensity of the first band.
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