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Everything posted by booferking

  1. Thickest snow flakes i have seen in sometime i have to say everywhere is white.
  2. Currently snowing in Cookstown quite thick but wet getting slushy on top of car roofs.
  3. GFS 00z No chance of blocking lets see what the ECMWF have to say.
  4. About 4 inches in Cookstown and still snowing..
  5. Yea im thinking the same thing myself this is going to be a let down don,t think we will get anywhere near to 5-10cm..
  6. Well that was a complete non event always the case with these breakdown events rarely do they ever deliver in N.Ireland if the precipitation was more organised we would have had a truck load of snow with the dew points and temperatures staying so low on-wards to next week with a NW/Northerly regime showing up on the charts with a big split in the polar vortex it could really be a good event for all over Ireland
  7. Showers building from the west some nice big bright blobs could be some good snow totals in the morning.
  8. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/t1/1901997_10152239365888120_569824426_n.jpg
  9. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=305065246285072&set=vb.117519805039618&type=2&theater
  10. http://www.xcweather.co.uk/30m/GB/w1392208717.gif
  11. Met Ireland updated there storm warning parts of the south could see 150km gust from this storm and the rest 130km gusts this is near the same strength as the big storm back in 1998 which caused widespread damage i was fixing power lines 2 weeks after the storm on that occasion, stay save as this storm in coming is a beast and a lot of people will get caught out i am afraid............
  12. Im only messing its starting to lie here also
  13. Its stops snowing for 5 minutes in the east and worry of you will not see anymore, try all day with nothing more than sleet.
  14. When does this all head south are does it just slowing die at its current location..
  15. http://www.facebook....502488563120347 Can you guys see the video let me know if it worked properly.
  16. Have a video will upload later. http://external.ak.f...75_b.jpg&jq=100 <iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/video/embed?video_id=502488563120347" width="720" height="1280" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  17. Round 2 will commence in about 1hr chill out and will last into Saturday afternoon this is when we get the real snow.. Watch the radar .
  18. Friday has been changed to a amber. Heavy rain will spread northwards across Northern Ireland on Thursday night, and will turn increasingly to snow later in the night and during Friday. Highest snow accumulations of 30 cm or more are likely to be across the hills of Antrim and Down, with strong to gale force southeasterly winds giving drifting and blizzard conditions. Accumulations of 10 cm or so are possible at low-level, though towards the east coast rain and sleet will be more prevalent, with a risk of localised flooding.
  19. They just removed the warning for snow on the met for Thursday in NI, hope there upgrading to a amber or red....
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