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Everything posted by Stoxs

  1. what an impressive project like to see that when completed good luck with it all keep us posted on how it goes thanks colin
  2. top pics again folks well done to all that made the last 5
  3. another handy tip on keeping birds off is old or unwanted CD`s tied on sticks FLASH like a gooden ,gets rid of all your AOL discs
  4. give it another few weeks yet mate early spring will be fine get temps up a bit . get the ground quiet dry rake until a fine seed bed that is not loose and sringle seed on then rake in seed into top half inch then roll or tread in and hope for a few days of light rain ,it will come up lovely
  5. well i hope not but it might be a lot longer yet unless the current winters start to do a turn round I am getting quiet concerned that we may never see 6inchs of snow in this are again :lol:
  6. yea go for it , a couple of pointers what mower you got if you got one with wheels and a rotary cut (blade goes horizontal ) then that will be fine if you got a cylinder(blade runs vertical )with a roller on then this might struggle with damp soil .hope that akes sense :lol: in your picture that is a cylinder mower !!!and an ox
  7. hey mondy i think it will be fine to cut the grass as long as there is no frost iminent i.e a couple of days .as cheese said don`t cut it to low just a quick trim will be fine .Think about it we are still grazing grass down here and it will still grow when the temps warm up .actually some grasses have been growing since christmas so it won`t take to much for it to be away.get the mower out man , give you somthing to do tommorrow
  8. very light snow shower here around 6.30pm fingers crossed for a bit more yes it was snow not rain!!!!!!!
  9. ahhhhh top pics all of you i b taking my hat off
  10. yep quiet agree that is the problem with mild mid winters evrything gets up and going then bam cold er air and you have lost the lot even worse with harsh frosts in the spring can seriously damge blosom and fruit crops
  11. at the beginning of january i saw a small clump of snowdrops out in flower !!! bit of a surprise with the cooler feel to the weather over the past weeks
  12. in the last week or so the grass has started growing again as the temps have gone up a little and the corn fields have greened up as well but some of the fields are looking a bit sick probablly duer to a few days of cold earlyer on and that just stresses the plant
  13. multi cell 3 wolves 3 wibs 1 verglas 3 snow princess 3
  14. well flax is the same family as linseed this grows from early spring to early autum so from these times should be ok when you do the deeed keep it well watered but wait until it warms up a bit late march onwards at a rough guess
  15. well done to all finalists you are all winners in my book only one winner well good luck to you all
  16. well done to all who took pics top job anti mild 1 kelly f1 hemlock2 russdelaneyuk 1 hemlock 2
  17. with all this data why is it ever wrong . I know some one asked this quetion a few days ago but does it teach it`s self with possible trends or is it based on what it was programed will happen?
  18. snowed for about 2 hrs from 6pm - 8Pm accumilated about 3 cms thaw stared about 10 pm
  19. sorry chaps missed an important word out i mean`t to say ATLANTIC BLOCK if i am right this is where two high preasures meet north to south i.e from west of southern england right up to greenland this shuts off the flow from the u.s.a as in low pressures or as some would say zonality .If this happens then it opens the north or east doors for cold air to move over the uk if this is wrong please correct me .and post it up here so others can see it hope this helps novices not to good at explaining things
  20. ok if this link works would this be looking good for an atlantic to form ? http://www.net-weather.co.uk/index.cgi?act...e=gfsh500;sess= i am refering to the THE 28/12/2005 12z t384 i know this is FI i am referring to the patten not the possibility of it coming off
  21. yep i think that has helped john many thanks ummm yep got it now thanks again
  22. right what relation does air thickness have to air temp would i be right in thinking that thin air is colder ? what is the equation between the two? or am i barking up the wrong tree again
  23. thorn apple we got quiet a few growing in some cover crops we thought the seed came in with the cover seed of maize and sorgum not to sure now it they are native to this country please reply if anyone knows another person told me that they use a part of the plant for astma medicine aas well problly the same ingredient
  24. ahh ok TWS thanks i was just watching the cold air mas over canada north us and it seems to move north most times
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