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Everything posted by Ravendane

  1. A cold spell on the way ... well, it is still February and winter but still not a flake of snow forecast....well there was on the Netweather seven day forecast but that has gone now as usual. Worst winter that I can remember...mud, mud and more blooming mud.....
  2. What a horrible, horrible 'winter'...and I thought last year's was dire enough..we keep horses so we have had endless months of wind and rain misery, ruined fields, no grass , mud and even more mud. Just grateful we live up in the Chilterns, my heart goes out to all those effected by flooding, the homes, businesses, crops ruined and livestock drowned. Every year, I make a vow not to look at Netweather seven day forecasts....too many hopes of snow dashed...The worse was 95 percent of snow changed to zero with an hour of its forecast arrival...
  3. Not looking good for any snow over this side of the Atlantic...copy cat situation from last year ..the US gets a pasting, we get mild, wet bleuurgh. We are having an even worse time this year with so much rain and flooding. I thought the strong El Nino was going to bring us a cold winter...
  4. All this talk of spring and summer....I haven't had a winter yet
  5. I am a total ignoramus when it comes to weather, but it does seem when the USA is plunged into the deep freeze with a polar vortex , we get miserable wet and mild weather. Is there a connection?
  6. Just had another heavy fall in the slippery mud going down to the horses field...I am naturally well padded but still of an age where any fall hurts and not just my pride Hate this wet and thick slippery mud....dry sunny days, preferably cold and frosty or plenty of deep snow for me ...neither on the cards for yet another year....moan over ...
  7. Its the roller coaster of expectation and disappointment that gets to me, and all my fault! Of course the histrionics of the Daily Excess need to be totally ignored but still, they do give a glimmer of hope to the desperate snow addicts like me...then of course there is the Netweather five day forecasts...the ones that say there is a 95 percent chance of snow at my post code...right up to a couple of hours before it is due and it changes to zero....aaaaaarrrghhh!
  8. I am curious about the Netweather five day and snow possibility forecasts. I fully understand weather forecasting can never be an exact science and weather by its nature is chaotic. But recently there have been high percentage forecasts for snow that have been changed within a couple of hours to zero. Last night way into the late night, my postcode was given a record 95 percent chance of snow, but about 2am it became a zero chance...how can this be with modern technology and radar?
  9. Chilterns missing out again by the look of it, usual disappointing downgrade on the Netweather seven day forecast...this morning there was plenty to look forward to, now....
  10. Happy for the East Anglian folk...I didn't think any snow would reach you from yesterday's forecasts..... up in the Chilterns, we did have snow forecast but just had drizzle...Mother Nature at her most fickle again, bless her!
  11. Here we go again...the rollercoaster of expectation and disappointment...I am sure it is all made worse by the ridiculous exaggerated tabloid headlines, we know they are all nonsense...yet still they plant the seeds of hope..... Currently drizzle in the Chilterns, melting the lovely hard frost
  12. I just don't understand the seven day forecast charts.... for example how they can say 80percent chance of snow in the morning and zero a few hours later. The snow/sleet forecast for my area for this evening has now disappeared altogether....is there really any point in having them?
  13. Huge fat flakes of real snow here in the Chilterns settling where it can...
  14. I should have kept to my resolution not to look at the Netweather five day forecasts and Model discussions.. fabulous set up for lots of snow on Tuesday and Wednesday last night , now all gone to rain and nothing....
  15. I swore I wouldn't come back to this site after last year ...the roller coaster of expectation and disappointment from model data or from the Netweather five day forecasts...even the radar could disappoint...storms shown directly over head which never actually happened! But I do need to have a rough idea what the weather will bring, to make plans for feed, bedding and water supplies for my mares for example. Hard to keep faith though when a forecast for 85 % chance of snow turns to 0 within a few hours.
  16. As usual nothing in the Chilterns, something about the lay of the land makes rain/snow clouds split to either side of us...sooo frustrating! All week the seven day forecast predicted a day of very heavy rain turning to sleet. Now it says it will be dry for the foreseeable future....yes....I am in a childish sulk
  17. We are running out of winter though...sun getting warmer, stronger and longer days....spring snow is so short lived... this rain and mud has cost me dear too.....I lost two much loved horses through accidents in their field due to the heavy, deep and slippery mud...One was an exquisite Spanish mare that was my heart and soul..she broke her shoulder in a fall and my lovely old gypsy cob lady that I have loved for 27 years twisted her arthritic knee and was in so much pain I had to let her go. Hearbreaking ...all that rain brings only misery
  18. Massive short but nasty hail storm over us earlier...huge stones and high winds. There was a multiple car pile up on the A41 near Bourne End / Hemel Hempstead during the storm....no serious injuries thank goodness.
  19. Where did the tabloids get the idea this was going to be a long, cold and snowy winter? All that talk of a hundred days of lying snow and the snowiest winter since 1847....could they be more wrong! So depressed by all this endless, miserable and damaging wind and rain...seems to have been non stop since that soggy autumn we had....
  20. Confused now over what will happen on Friday...had a journey with my son planned..I suspect a quiet day in may be the safer option
  21. Yuck! I checked the weather this morning before heading out to family festivities...mild and dry enough to leave the horses out....now absolutely hammering down with icy rain....luckily home in time to get them in...One of them is an old lady of over 30 and must not get too cold and chilled....ah well, that's weather for you!
  22. I have tickets to Winter Wonderland on Friday, in Hyde Park...they cancelled Monday's event due to high winds and rain...I suspect we won't be going
  23. Oh dear I have to say I have never known such a wet and muddy time since moving to the Chilterns,,,,I've fallen badly five times in the field over the past weeks getting my boots stuck in deep mud.... And no one to take a video clip...at least I could have earned some money selling to You've Been Framed. When I lived for many years in Watford, I got to be a tad envious of this area.... Typical forecast... ' Rain everywhere , turning to snow over the Chilterns.' I think I have cursed the area, moving here...
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