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Everything posted by gary1365

  1. wow i've managed to not look at a chart all evening i didn't want to depress myself any further lol hope the whole winter isn't like this
  2. i'm surprised in bangor we had a foot of snow in 2010 and where i was in bangor we get nearly nothing normally edit this is the only pic i can find from 2010 we got more snow after that was taken but i can't find them. was annoying digging that motor out
  3. that's good to know i'm right on the coleraine side of portstewart i'm only a 2 mile or so drive from the uni
  4. aye it will be. my housemates will be complaining about the cold even more. they have to cheek to complain about it now. i can sit in the living room in a t-shirt comfortably and they're sitting there in hoodies complaining it's cold they don't know what cold is lol. or maybe i'm just like my dad and don't like putting the heating on lol
  5. i'm trying not to get excited until saturday or sunday when there will be better accuracy from the models but it's very hard not to get excited looking at those charts.
  6. i'm 1,122m from the closest piece of coast so i really doubt i'll have any snow at all and i think i'll need that jack aswell i don't think my 35m elevation will help either lol. just a wait and see job i suppose.
  7. looking through the updated charts i'm feeling more confident but i'm not convinced we'll get snow at sea level
  8. it looks pretty lol. i have no idea why i love the cold probably because it is a break in the mediocrity of the usual drab grey mild stuff i always see here. i love other extremes as well though not just snow and cold i love a good storm and heavy winds.
  9. i must be reading the charts wrong then lol. i am a complete newb i suppose. really windy on the coast here took a walk around a few spots on the north coast there. the waves are big enough that i got hit by alot of water on the path on ramore head. only a few of the really big waves are reaching that high.
  10. looks like the snow might be downgrading and i'm going to miss it
  11. what are the chance for me in such a low lying area right beside the sea
  12. here's to hoping eh i've had my winter tyres on now in hope for a couple of weeks lol
  13. i have to jump in and say i have seen snow in northern ireland every winter but not down to lower levels usually from around 150-200m and up there are atleast a few snow events. but i don't remember much snow in november tbh.
  14. I'm pretty sure there was sleet in the rain tonight on the higher ground when i was driving up home tonight but it was hard to tell in the dark.
  15. i'm not sure why it's just a feeling but i'm getting excited about this winter i think it's going to be a good un
  16. wow some amazing clouds and weather wish i was there to see that. haven't seen really heavy hailstones in a long time
  17. tbh I'll probably just drive up that direction and see where I end up.
  18. aye was looking at the binevenagh walk don't think it would be a good idea to walk to far up it in the snow though. i'm sure i'll figure it out at the time
  19. i have a set of good winter tyres on the car i've driven past stuck 4x4s in my wee fiesta in the snow which is great fun lol. i'll have to have a poke around online to find a few places in the north sperrins. that's a beautiful picture edit i normally head into the mournes if i want to see the snow but that's a bit far away now lol
  20. can you recommend any where good to go out for a walk in the snow when the snow does arrive in the sperrins. preferably easily accessible by car and or mountainbike.
  21. please!!! i want lots of snow and cold again but i don't want to pay the oil for the heating though lol it's getting to the point i'm starting to cross my fingers
  22. the best snow i remember has always been unexpected. i remember when i was a child i think it was the winter of 91-92 or maybe 90-91 i was out with my dad and i said it's going to snow. my dad laughed at me it then snowed all night and there was a good few inched on the ground you couldn't drive down the hill out of my street for days. infact almost all the great snow events i can think of have been unexpected i don't have a very good memory so i could be wrong lol.
  23. typical there is snow up on the hills on the north coast when i'm down in bangor visiting the parents for the weekend. suppose there will be plenty of chances through the winter.
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