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Everything posted by gary1365

  1. i do marine science which combines lots of stuff marine biology, oceanic and atmospheric systems, environmental sciences, geography, mapping underwater and terrestrial topography all that sort of stuff really. http://uumarine.weebly.com/
  2. nah it's all about all the tiny things with unpronounceable names it's marine biology your thinking of they love all the cuddly sea creatures lol.
  3. hmm i have no idea about local sea temps i probably should considering i'm doing marine science at uni lol.
  4. it's early days yet lads don't be throwing the toys out of the pram yet.
  5. again i'll be waiting 4-5 days before i get my hopes up too much
  6. things are looking up i constantly get blasted by wind here too unfortunately it blows straight in the front door lol.
  7. the weather is depressing atm grey and slightly cold
  8. i have no idea what it's doing outside have barely moved since i came home lol i was inputting lots and lots of data on excel and i'm tired
  9. yea i came out of uni at about half 6 and couldn't believe how cold it had gotten.
  10. I'd love to see some proper snow falling not that pellet stuff or wet flakes. We had loads of hail stones but we had some of that fine kind of pellet like snow too last night. It was properly snowing for a couple of minutes before it turned into the slushy stuff last night too. how can it be over before it begins lol.
  11. I hope so did you look at the surface temps aswell. edit just had a look 3c i'll not be holding my breath
  12. I'm getting sleet again thought it was just supposed to be rain tonight.
  13. even I had snow not a lot just enough to make the ground a bit white and only lasted half an hour.
  14. yea i have a severe lack of precipitation here
  15. it's trying really really hard to snow here had about 20 seconds of snow before it turned back to sleet and now rain edit it's snow again
  16. hail here too we're white again think it might be raining again lightly
  17. i had that problem at easter nothing in bangor but huge drifts just up the road
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