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Everything posted by gary1365

  1. We've had wintry showers here all day but nothing heavy or long. Haven't been able to look outside since 8 when I started work but I'm on until 8 in the morning so plenty of time to watch outside lol the only thing is there is no good lamp posts outside the home to lamp post watch.
  2. -2 here this morning too lovely hard frost cleared by 11 though
  3. Happy new year everyone it's much colder this morning compared to yesterday 2 degrees showing on the car and I'm not sure as its dark but I think a bit of sleat in the rain.
  4. What a frost still frozen solid Took pics at half 3.
  5. You could literally ice skate down my street and it's only 6 I'm worried now about picking up the misuses at 8 the road she works down is awful in the ice was really bad this morning it's only going to be worse tonight
  6. Aye there's even frost left that was exposed to the sun here already a hard frost here and it's not 6 yet glad we're both off tomorrow morning
  7. Really cold this morning with a very hard frost no snow though The roads were dreadful dropping the other half off at work the car was reading -2
  8. Been working flat out and missed all the drama lol. I'm hoping the cold snap does show its face but I'm not hopeful. I'm hoping for snow on February 20th me and the other half are getting married just booked the date today down the registrars office and we both love snow it would make for nice photos.
  9. I swear there is some sleet in the heavier showers tonght.
  10. I didn't go out but I was out emptying the bin in work at 6 yesterday and saw an amazing meteor at first I actually thought it was a firework really bright and vivid.
  11. Frozen very hard this morning roads are awful I'm not sure but the ice in places may have been frozen snow. It started raining too which seemed weird at 0c.
  12. Only the lightest Of light dustings for us this morning literally just flakes frozen to hard surfaces bitter cold though.
  13. Bbc is showing it for 5 am here I'm not staying up to then lol my toys are officially out of the pram lol. Edit rechecked bbc it now says rain at midnight full on tantrum going on here lol.
  14. I have no precipitation here at all I wish it would do something I'll never sleep tonight lol. Those wave heights are impressive
  15. According to the radar I should be having rain or sleet but I have precipitation at all lol
  16. We had a www shower started and ended as sleat but was snow in the middle it went really dark too but didn't last long. Fingers crossed for after 6 tonight Ronan
  17. Up here's just grey and cold showers seem to be missing limavady some snow on the mountains when I look out the window here at work.
  18. White this morning with hail stones and bitter cold in the wind 1c brrrr
  19. I was also wondering about Ronan too Pom hopefully he wasn't washed away lol. We just had hail and maybe wet snow I'm not sure but the hail turned it white for a while. Does seem stormier here too now but we are sheltered from the south South west and west North west by forest and live at the bottom of a hill.
  20. It's 2c here at the moment so if we get a colder northerly flow tomorrow it might snow hopefully. It's been a bit sleaty today. Also just had a flash of lightening and a rumble of thunder to the north of us.
  21. Lucky you Ronan I'm heading out to Work now but would have loved to have got the chance to see the sea state today.
  22. Just woke up 5 minutes ago and it's weirdly still out there but I think I can here a couple of gusts starting again now. Edit yup starting to blow again.
  23. Do you think so that's good. I haven't been watching the models much again recently so I'm not really up to speed
  24. Winter is definitely not over lol. I would like to see lying snow but at my elevation i doubt I'll see much this week unless I go looking for it.
  25. Wee bit windy this morning and not so cold either.
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